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为什么会是MLE??type arr=array[0..50000,1..5] of longint; var a:arr; i,j,k,l,n,t,z,q:longint; v,tv:real; h:real; pv,nv:real; function getvv(h:real;x:integer):real; var s:integer; hh:real; begin s:=a[x,4]*a[x,3]; if h<a[x,1] then hh:=0 else if h>a[x,5] then hh:=a[x,2] else hh:=h-a[x,1]; getvv:=s*hh; end; function getv(h:real):real; var i:integer; tv:real; begin tv:=0; for i:=1 to n do tv:=tv+getvv(h,i); getv:=tv; end; function geth(x,y:real):real; var i,j:longint; th,ttv:real; begin th:=(x+y)/2; ttv:=getv(th); if abs(ttv-v)<=1e-8 then begin geth:=th;exit;end; if ttv>v then geth:=geth(x,th) else if ttv<v then geth:=geth(th,y); end; procedure qs(x,y:longint); var i,j,t,tt:longint; begin i:=x;j:=y; t:=a[i,5]; a[0]:=a[i]; while i<j do begin while (i<j) and (t<a[j,5]) do dec(j); if i<j then begin a[i]:=a[j]; inc(i); end; while (i<j) and (a[i,5]<t) do inc(i); if i<j then begin a[j]:=a[i]; dec(j); end; end; a[i]:=a[0]; if i+1<y then qs(i+1,y); if x<i-1 then qs(x,i-1); end; {main} begin readln(z); for q:=1 to z do begin readln(n); for i:=1 to n do begin readln(a[i,1],a[i,2],a[i,3],a[i,4]); a[i,5]:=a[i,1]+a[i,2]; end; qs(1,n); readln(v); tv:=getv(a[n,5]); if tv<v then begin writeln('OVERFLOW');continue;end; pv:=0; for i:=1 to n-1 do begin nv:=getv(a[i,5]); if abs(nv-v)<=1e-8 then begin h:=a[i,5];break;end; if nv>v then begin h:=geth(a[i-1,5],a[i,5]);break;end; end; writeln(h:0:2); end; end. 多问一点:这题的最优(标准)方法谁能讲一下,谢谢!! Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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