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pascal求助啊(HASH)~一直WA。我10w的数据自己搞了个,不会超时。无解/小写也考虑了~~晕倒了啊RT。用的是HASH,特征码为前三位 program p1002; type node=^datatype; datatype=record num,s:integer; next:node; end; var a:array [0..999] of node; c:char;s:longint; n,i:integer; t:node;check:boolean; procedure push(i,j:integer); var p,q,t:node; begin if (a[i]=nil) or (a[i]^.num>j) then begin new(t);t^.num:=j;t^.s:=1; t^.next:=a[i];a[i]:=t; end else begin p:=a[i];q:=p^.next; while (q<>nil) and (q^.num<=j) do begin p:=q;q:=p^.next; end; if p^.num=j then inc(p^.s) else begin new(t);t^.num:=j;t^.s:=1;p^.next:=t;t^.next:=q; end; end; end; procedure print(i,j,s:integer); begin if i<10 then write('00',i) else if i<100 then write('0',i) else write(i); write('-'); if j<10 then write('000',j) else if j<100 then write('00',j) else if j<1000 then write('0',j) else write(j); writeln(' ',s); end; begin{main} assign(input,'1002.in');reset(input); readln(n); for i:=0 to 999 do a[i]:=nil; for i:=1 to n do begin s:=0; while not eoln do begin read(c); case c of 'A','B','C','a','b','c':s:=s*10+2; 'D','E','F','d','e','f':s:=s*10+3; 'G','H','I','g','h','i':s:=s*10+4; 'J','K','L','j','k','l':s:=s*10+5; 'M','N','O','m','n','o':s:=s*10+6; 'P','R','S','p','r','s':s:=s*10+7; 'T','U','V','t','u','v':s:=s*10+8; 'W','X','Y','w','x','y':s:=s*10+9; '0'..'9':s:=s*10+(ord(c)-ord('0')); end; end; push(s div 10000,s mod 10000); readln; end; close(input);check:=false; for i:=0 to 999 do begin t:=a[i]; while t<>nil do begin if t^.s>1 then begin print(i,t^.num,t^.s);check:=true; end; t:=t^.next; end; end; if not check then writeln('No duplicates.'); end. Followed by:
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