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跑sample过了,简单dfs,密文单词没有排序,迅速runtime error,(ZJU上WA),找不到原因,请帮忙(附代码)#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <new> #define MAX_DICT_WORDS 50000 #define MAX_DICT_CHARS 350000 #define MAX_WORD_LEN 20 class DictWord { public: DictWord* next; char *word; }; class DictWordList { public: DictWord *head; int size; DictWordList() :head(NULL),size(0) { } void push(DictWord* node) { node->next = head; head = node; }; }; class Dict { public: static char allWords[MAX_DICT_CHARS + MAX_DICT_WORDS]; DictWord words[MAX_DICT_WORDS]; DictWordList wordOfLen[MAX_WORD_LEN]; int nWords; void readDict() { int i, len; char *pWord = &allWords[0]; scanf("%d", &nWords); for (i = 0; i < nWords; i++) { scanf("%s", pWord); len = strlen(pWord); words[i].word = pWord; wordOfLen[len].push(&words[i]); pWord += len + 1; } } }; char Dict::allWords[MAX_DICT_CHARS + MAX_DICT_WORDS]; class CodeMap { public: char decodeTable[26]; char encodeTable[26]; CodeMap() { for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { decodeTable[i] = encodeTable[i] = '*'; } }; inline char decode(char cryptChar) { return decodeTable[cryptChar - 'A']; }; inline char encode(char clearChar) { return encodeTable[clearChar - 'A']; }; inline void setMapping(char cryptChar, char clearChar) { decodeTable[cryptChar - 'A'] = clearChar; encodeTable[clearChar - 'A'] = cryptChar; }; inline void unsetMapping(char cryptChar, char clearChar) { decodeTable[cryptChar - 'A'] = encodeTable[clearChar - 'A'] = '*'; }; }; class TextWord { public: char* str; int len; }; class TextWords { public: int nWords; TextWord* words; char* textBuf; int bufLen; CodeMap map; int nAnswers; int nCalls; CodeMap answer1; Dict* dict; TextWords(Dict* d) : nWords(0), words(NULL), dict(d) { bufLen = 800; textBuf = (char*)malloc(bufLen * sizeof(char)); } ~TextWords() { if (words) free(words); free(textBuf); } void readText() { int i, j, wordsInLine, textLen, prevChar, thisChar, len; char *lineBuf; enum {WORD_CHAR = 0, BLANK_CHAR = 1}; lineBuf = textBuf; nWords = 0; textLen = 0; do { if (bufLen - textLen < 81) { bufLen += 800; textBuf = (char*)realloc(textBuf, bufLen); lineBuf = textBuf + textLen; } wordsInLine = 0; gets(lineBuf); len = strlen(lineBuf); prevChar = BLANK_CHAR; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (lineBuf[i] >= 'A' && lineBuf[i] <= 'Z') thisChar = WORD_CHAR; else thisChar = BLANK_CHAR; if (prevChar == BLANK_CHAR && thisChar == WORD_CHAR) { wordsInLine++; } prevChar = thisChar; } nWords += wordsInLine; // to avoid "joining last word of this line and first word of next line" lineBuf[len] = ' '; lineBuf += len + 1; textLen += len + 1; } while ((wordsInLine > 0) && !feof(stdin)); words = (TextWord*)malloc(nWords * sizeof(TextWord)); prevChar = BLANK_CHAR; j = 0; for (i = 0; i < textLen; i++) { if (textBuf[i] >= 'A' && textBuf[i] <= 'Z') thisChar = WORD_CHAR; else thisChar = BLANK_CHAR; if (prevChar == BLANK_CHAR && thisChar == WORD_CHAR) { words[j].str = textBuf + i; } else if (prevChar == WORD_CHAR && thisChar == BLANK_CHAR) { textBuf[i] = '\0'; words[j].len = textBuf + i - words[j].str; j++; } prevChar = thisChar; } } void sortWords() { int i, j, k, freq[26], maxF, iMaxF, f; bool seen[26]; TextWord tmpW; // eliminate duplicate words for (i = nWords - 2; i >= 0 ; i--) { for (j = nWords - 1; j > i; j--) { if (strcmp(words[i].str, words[j].str) == 0) { for (k = j; k < nWords - 1; k++) { words[k] = words[k + 1]; } nWords--; } } } // Choose the word that share the most large number of chars // with other words as the first. This should make 'conflicts' // between words show up early (in the iterations of tryDecode()). for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { freq[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < nWords; i++) { for (j = 0; j < words[i].len; j++) { freq[words[i].str[j] - 'A']++; } } iMaxF = 0; maxF = 0; for (i = 0; i < nWords; i++) { f = 0; for (j = 0; j < words[i].len; j++) { f += freq[words[i].str[j] - 'A']; } if (f > maxF) { maxF = f; iMaxF = i; } } tmpW = words[0]; words[0] = words[iMaxF]; words[iMaxF] = tmpW; // Starting from the second wrod, we try to maximize char sharing // with preceeding words. This is meant to reduce branches // and also to discover confilicts as early as possible. for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { seen[i] = false; } for (k = 1; k < nWords - 1; k++) { for (j = 0; j < words[k].len; j++) { seen[words[k - 1].str[j] - 'A'] = true; } maxF = 0; iMaxF = 0; for (i = k; i < nWords; i++) { f = 0; for (j = 0; j < words[i].len; j++) { if (seen[words[i].str[j] - 'A']) f++; } if (f > maxF) { maxF = f; iMaxF = i; } } tmpW = words[k]; words[k] = words[iMaxF]; words[iMaxF] = tmpW; } }; void innerTryDecode(int k) { DictWord* pw; int j; bool isNew[MAX_WORD_LEN]; char dec, enc; nCalls++; if (k >= nWords) { nAnswers++; if (nAnswers == 1) answer1 = map; return; } for (pw = dict->wordOfLen[words[k].len].head; pw != NULL; pw = pw->next) { for (j = 0; j < words[k].len; j++) isNew[j] = false; j = 0; while (j < words[k].len) { dec = map.decode(words[k].str[j]); enc = map.encode(pw->word[j]); if (enc == '*' && dec == '*') { isNew[j] = true; map.setMapping(words[k].str[j], pw->word[j]); } else if (!(dec == pw->word[j] && enc == words[k].str[j])) { // confict with current map break; // while j } j++; } if (j == words[k].len) { // no conflicts, go decode next word in text innerTryDecode(k + 1); if (nAnswers >= 2) return; } j--; // mapping words[k] to pw->word has been tried // (either it conflicts or recursive search finished), // undo mappings set for this word. while (j >= 0) { if (isNew[j]) map.unsetMapping(words[k].str[j], pw->word[j]); j--; } } }; void tryDecode() { nAnswers = 0; nCalls = 0; new(&map) CodeMap(); //sortWords(); innerTryDecode(0); if (nAnswers == 0) printf("#No solution#"); else if (nAnswers >= 2) printf("#More than one solution#"); else { // one answer for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z' ; c++) printf("%c", answer1.encode(c)); } #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE printf(" %d calls", nCalls); #endif printf("\n"); }; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Dict dict; int t; unsigned char c; dict.readDict(); scanf("%d",&t); while (t > 0) { t--; c = ' '; while (! (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') && !feof(stdin)) { c = getc(stdin); } ungetc(c, stdin); TextWords textWords(&dict); textWords.readText(); textWords.tryDecode(); } return 0; } Followed by:
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