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为什么WA?#include <iostream> using namespace std; long i,now,flag,n,nows,x,y; long a[10]; char str[101][101]; int main () { while (1) { cin>>str[0]; if (str[0][0]=='-') break; flag=0; now=0; while (1) { if (flag!=0) break; for (i=0;i<=9;i++) a[i]=0; for (i=0;i<strlen(str[now]);i++) a[(long)(str[now][i])-48]++; nows=0; for (i=0;i<=9;i++) if (a[i]>0) { if (a[i]<=9) { str[now+1][nows]=(char)(a[i]+48); str[now+1][nows+1]=(char)(i+48); nows=nows+2; } if ((a[i]>9)&&(a[i]<=99)) { str[now+1][nows]=(char)((a[i]/10)+48); str[now+1][nows+1]=(char)((a[i]%10)+48); str[now+1][nows+2]=(char)(i+48); nows=nows+3; } if (a[i]>99) { str[now+1][nows]=(char)((a[i]/100)+48); str[now+1][nows+1]=(char)(((a[i]/10)%10)+48); str[now+1][nows+2]=(char)((a[i]%10)+48); str[now+1][nows+3]=(char)(i+48); nows=nows+4; } } str[now+1][nows]='\0'; for (i=0;i<now+1;i++) if (strcmp(str[i],str[now+1])==0) { x=i; y=now+1; flag=1; break; } if ((now==15)&&(flag==0)) flag=2; now++; } if (flag==2) { cout<<str[0]<<" can not be classified after 15 iterations"<<endl; continue; } if ((x==0)&&(y==1)) cout<<str[0]<<" is self-inventorying"<<endl; else { if (x==y-1) { cout<<str[0]<<" is self-inventorying after "<<x<<" steps"<<endl; } else { cout<<str[0]<<" enters an inventory loop of length "<<y-x<<endl; } } } return (0); } Followed by:
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