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那位大牛指点一下(附code)Program Pollard_Rho; Const MaxN = 65535; MaxM = 6542; Var f: Array [1..MaxN] Of Boolean; Prime_List: Array [1..MaxM] Of Int64; t: LongInt; n, Answer: Int64; Procedure initialize; Var i, j, p: LongInt; Begin p := 0; For i := 2 To MaxN Do If Not f[i] Then Begin Inc(p); Prime_List[p] := i; For j := i To MaxN Div i Do f[i * j] := True; End; End; Function Modular_Multiply(a, b, n: Int64): Int64; Var s: Int64; Begin s := 0; While b <> 0 Do Begin If Odd(b) Then s := (s + a) Mod n; a := (a + a) Mod n; b := b Div 2; End; Exit(s); End; Function Modular_Exponentiation(a, b, n: Int64): Int64; Var s: Int64; Begin s := 1; While (b <> 0) And (a <> 1) Do Begin If Odd(b) Then s := Modular_Multiply(s, a, n); a := Modular_Multiply(a, a, n); b := b Div 2; End; Exit(s); End; Function Miller_Rabbin(n: Int64): Boolean; Const Test_Number = 9; Var i: LongInt; Begin For i := 1 To Test_Number Do Begin If Prime_List[i] >= n Then Break; If Modular_Exponentiation(Prime_List[i], n - 1, n) <> 1 Then Exit(False); End; Exit(True); End; Function GCD(a, b: Int64): Int64; Var c: Int64; Begin While b <> 0 Do Begin c := a Mod b; a := b; b := c; End; Exit(a); End; Function Pollard_Rho(n: Int64): Int64; Var d, x, y, k: Int64; i: LongInt; Begin x := Random(n - 2) + 1; y := x; i := 1; k := 2; Repeat Inc(i); x := (Modular_Multiply(x, x, n) + n - 1) Mod n; d := GCD(Abs(y - x), n); If (d > 1) And (d < n) Then Exit(d); If i = k Then Begin y := x; k := k * 2; End; Until False; End; Function Min(x, y: Int64): Int64; Begin If x < y Then Exit(x) Else Exit(y); End; Procedure Factor(n: Int64); Var t, Limit: Int64; i: LongInt; Begin If Miller_Rabbin(n) Then Exit; Limit := Min(Trunc(Sqrt(n)), Answer); For i := 1 To MaxM Do Begin If Prime_List[i] > Limit Then Break; If n Mod Prime_List[i] = 0 Then Begin Answer := Prime_List[i]; Exit; End; End; If MaxN >= Answer Then Exit; t := Pollard_Rho(n); Answer := Min(Answer, Min(t, n Div t)); Factor(t); Factor(n Div t); End; Begin Initialize; Randomize; Read(t); While t > 0 Do Begin Dec(t); Read(n); If Miller_Rabbin(n) Then WriteLn('Prime') Else Begin Answer := n; Factor(n); WriteLn(Answer); End; End; End. Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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