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请教:可以AC,但过不了题目给的Sample,是什么原因?(附源码)//1706源码(AC,已测试): #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> char line[100]; //当前处理的那一行 char ref[3002][83]; //记录Reference description int orig[1002], now[1002], st[1002]; //分别是原始编号,现在编号,分配空间的起始行 int p, num, tt; bool empty(char a[]) //判断是否是空行 { int i; for (i = 0; a[i] != 0; i++) if (a[i] != ' ') return false; return true; } int getnum(char a[], int &k) //从字符数组中获取 数 { int tmp = 0; for (; isdigit(a[k]); k++) tmp = tmp * 10 + a[k] - '0'; return tmp; } int find(int x) //找原始编号为x的Reference的位置 { int i; for (i = 0; i < p; i++) if (orig[i] == x) return i; return -1; } void proc() //处理正文 { int k, tmp, q; for (k = 0; line[k] != 0; k++) if (line[k] == '[') //若引用Reference,则重新给它一个编号 { k++; tmp = getnum(line, k); if ((q = find(tmp)) == -1) //若没有记录过当前Reference,则分配新的编号 { orig[p] = tmp; now[p] = num; st[p] = 0; q = p; p++; num++; } else if (now[q] == -1) //否则若没有分配编号,则分配 { now[q] = num; num++; } printf("[%d]", now[q] + 1); } else printf("%c", line[k]); //其他数据正常输出 printf("\n"); } int main() { bool rec, emptyline, cont; int k, tmp, q, i, j; tt = p = num = 0; rec = 0; emptyline = 1; cont = 1; while (gets(line)) { if (!empty(line)) //非空行 { if (line[0] == '[' && !cont)//若是Reference description的首行则记录 { k = 1; tmp = getnum(line, k); if ((q = find(tmp)) == -1) { orig[p] = tmp; now[p] = -1; st[p] = tt; p++; } else st[q] = tt; strcpy(ref[tt], line); tt++; rec = 1; } else if (rec) //是Reference description的接下去几行 { strcpy(ref[tt], line); tt++; } else //是正文 { emptyline = 0; proc(); } } else { rec = 0; cont = 0; //若是空行,则多于一个空行只输出一个 if (!emptyline) { printf("\n"); emptyline = 1; } } } for (i = 0; i < p; i++) //输出Reference description { for (j = 0; j < p; j++) //按照顺序输出 if (now[j] == i) break; j = st[j]; printf("[%d]", i + 1); k = 1; getnum(ref[j], k); k++; for (; ref[j][k] != 0; k++) printf("%c", ref[j][k]); printf("\n"); j++; while (j < tt && ref[j][0] != '[') { puts(ref[j]); j++; } if (i != p - 1) printf("\n"); } return 0; } 用这个程序走题目中给的那个Sample得到的输出: (和Sample Output不一样。 我觉得这个程序有问题,可为什么能AC呢?) [1] Brownell, D, "Dynamic Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (DRARP)", Work in Progress. The Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) [2] (through the extensions defined in the Dynamic RARP (DRARP) [1]) explicitly addresses the problem of network address discovery, and includes an automatic IP address assignment mechanism. The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) [3] provides for transport of a boot image from a boot server. The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) [4] provides for informing hosts of additional routers via "ICMP redirect" messages. Works [2], [4] and [3] can be obtained via Internet. [1] Finlayson, R., Mann, T., Mogul, J., and M. Theimer, "A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol", RFC 903, Stanford, June 1984. [2] Finlayson, R., Mann, T., Mogul, J., and M. Theimer, "A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol", RFC 903, Stanford, June 1984. [3] Sollins, K., "The TFTP Protocol (Revision 2)", RFC 783, NIC, June 1981. [4] Postel, J., "Internet Control Message Protocol", STD 5, RFC 792, USC/Information Sciences Institute, September 1981. Followed by:
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