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这题分明欺负PASCAL的------内容完全一样的两个程序中只有C++的能过。PASCAL: program p2827(input,output); const maxh=54117; var h,y:array[0..maxh] of longint; f,len:array[1..20000] of longint; fa,fb,i,m,n,a,b,c,tmp:longint; function hash(r:longint):longint; var i:longint; begin i:=r mod maxh; while (h[i]<>-1)and(h[i]<>r) do i:=(i+1)mod maxh; if h[i]=-1 then begin h[i]:=r; inc(m); y[i]:=m; end; hash:=y[i]; end; function father(r:longint):longint; var tmp:longint; begin if f[r]<=0 then father:=r else begin tmp:=f[r]; f[r]:=father(f[r]); inc(len[r],len[tmp]); father:=f[r]; end; end; begin while not seekeof(input) do begin readln(n); m:=0; fillchar(h,sizeof(h),255); fillchar(f,sizeof(f),0); fillchar(len,sizeof(len),0); for i:=1 to n do begin readln(a,b,c); if a>b then begin tmp:=a; a:=b; b:=tmp; end; a:=hash(a-1); b:=hash(b); fa:=father(a); fb:=father(b); if fa=fb then if len[a]-len[b]=c then writeln('Accept') else writeln('Bug Detected ',len[a]-len[b]) else begin writeln('Accept'); f[fa]:=fb; len[fa]:=c-(len[a]-len[b]); end; end; end; end. C++(感谢UPDOG为我把PASCAL程序转化C++程序): #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> const int maxh=54117; int h[maxh+1],y[maxh+1]; int f[20000+1],len[20000+1]; int fa,fb,i,m,n,a,b,c,tmp; int hash( int r ) { int i=r%maxh; while( h[i]!=-1 && h[i]!=r ) i=(i+1)%maxh; if( h[i]==-1 ) { h[i]=r; m++; y[i]=m; } return y[i]; } int father( int r ) { int tmp; if( f[r]<=0 ) return r; else { tmp=f[r]; f[r]=father(f[r]); len[r]+=len[tmp]; return f[r]; } } int main() { while( scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF ) { m=0; memset( h, 255, sizeof(h) ); memset( f, 0, sizeof(f) ); memset( len, 0, sizeof(len) ); for( i=1; i<=n; i++ ) { scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c); if( a>b ) { tmp=a; a=b; b=tmp; } a=hash(a-1); b=hash(b); fa=father(a); fb=father(b); if( fa==fb ) if( len[a]-len[b]==c ) puts("Accept"); else printf("Bug Detected %d\n",len[a]-len[b]); else { puts("Accept"); f[fa]=fb; len[fa]=c-(len[a]-len[b]); } } } } Followed by:
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