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急需求助:为什么我用快排的程序会超时?这是我的程序: const inputfile='ex.in'; map:array[1..26] of integer=(2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,0,7,7,8,8,8,9,9,9,0); type tnum=array[1..7] of integer; var f:array[1..100000] of tnum; times:array[1..100000] of longint; j,x,l,n,i:longint; num:tnum; s:string; procedure makenum; var i,j:longint; begin j:=0; for i:=1 to length(s) do if s[i]<>'-' then begin inc(j); if s[i] in ['0'..'9'] then num[j]:=ord(s[i])-ord('0') else num[j]:=map[ord(s[i])-ord('A')+1]; end; end; function check(k:longint;num:tnum):longint; var i,j:longint; begin for i:=1 to 7 do if num[i]<f[k,i] then begin check:=-1; exit; end else if num[i]>f[k,i] then begin check:=1; exit; end; check:=0; end; procedure sort(a,b:longint); var t,i,j,d:longint; x:tnum; begin if a>=b then exit; x:=f[a]; i:=a;j:=b; while i<j do begin while (i<j) and (check(j,x)<=0) do dec(j); if (i<j) then begin f[i]:=f[j]; inc(i); end; while (i<j) and (check(i,x)>=0) do inc(i); if (i<j) then begin f[j]:=f[i]; dec(j); end; f[i]:=x; end; if i-1>a then sort(a,i-1); if i+1<b then sort(i+1,b); end; procedure print; var i,j:longint; p:boolean; begin p:=true; for i:=1 to l do if times[i]>0 then begin p:=false; for j:=1 to 3 do write(f[i,j]); write('-'); for j:=4 to 7 do write(f[i,j]); writeln(' ',times[i]+1); end; if p then writeln('No duplicates.'); end; begin // randomize; assign(input,inputfile);reset(input); fillchar(times,sizeof(times),0); readln(n); for i:=1 to n do begin readln(s); makenum; f[i]:=num; end; close(input); sort(1,n); j:=1; for i:=2 to n do if check(i,f[j])=0 then inc(times[j]) else begin inc(j); f[j]:=f[i]; end; l:=j; print; end. 是我的快排写得有问题吗? 还是方法不对? Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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