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Tarjan离线,详细AC代码(有注释),1A刷进头版type edge=record fr,re,next:longint; end; var i,n,tq,x,y,root,aux,tot,cnt:longint; e,q,t:array[0..200000] of edge; fa,down,up,mn,mx,f,g,h,ans,v:array[0..100010] of longint; vs:array[0..100010] of boolean; function min(x,y:longint):longint;begin if x<y then exit(x);exit(y);end; function max(x,y:longint):longint;begin if x>y then exit(x);exit(y);end; procedure add(x,y:longint);begin inc(cnt);with e[cnt] do begin re:=y;next:=f[x];end;f[x]:=cnt;end; //树边集 procedure adde(x,y:longint);begin inc(tot);with q[tot] do begin fr:=x;re:=y;next:=g[x];end;g[x]:=tot;end; //询问边集 procedure addans(x,y:longint);begin inc(aux);with t[aux] do begin re:=y;next:=h[x];end;h[x]:=aux;end; //以该点为LCA的边集 //带权并查集操作 function find(x:longint):longint; begin if fa[x]=x then exit(x); find:=find(fa[x]); up[x]:=max(max(up[x],up[fa[x]]),mx[fa[x]]-mn[x]); down[x]:=max(max(down[x],down[fa[x]]),mx[x]-mn[fa[x]]); mx[x]:=max(mx[x],mx[fa[x]]); mn[x]:=min(mn[x],mn[fa[x]]); fa[x]:=find; end; procedure tarjan(x:longint); var tmp,k:longint; begin //遍历与该点相关的全部询问,若另一点已被访问过,则可确定两点的LCA即为另一点所属集合的祖先,并将计算结果的任务交给LCA tmp:=g[x]; while tmp<>0 do begin with q[tmp] do if vs[re] then addans(find(re),tmp); tmp:=q[tmp].next; end; //根据DFS序标记该点已被访问 vs[x]:=true; //遍历该点的子节点 tmp:=f[x]; while tmp<>0 do begin with e[tmp] do if not vs[re] then begin tarjan(re); fa[re]:=x; end; tmp:=e[tmp].next; end; //遍历以该点为LCA的全部询问,计算答案 tmp:=h[x]; while tmp<>0 do begin k:=t[tmp].re; if odd(k) then k:=k xor 1; with q[k] do begin find(fr);find(re); ans[k>>1]:=max(max(up[fr],down[re]),mx[re]-mn[fr]); end; tmp:=t[tmp].next; end; end; begin randomize; tot:=1;cnt:=1;aux:=1; readln(n); for i:=1 to n do read(v[i]); //预处理并查集 for i:=1 to n do begin fa[i]:=i;mx[i]:=v[i];mn[i]:=v[i]; end; for i:=1 to n-1 do begin readln(x,y); add(x,y);add(y,x); end; //询问添边 readln(tq); for i:=1 to tq do begin readln(x,y); adde(x,y);adde(y,x); end; root:=random(n)+1; tarjan(root); for i:=1 to tq do writeln(ans[i]); end. Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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