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推箱子Pascal源程序 简单AC优先队列的方法(pascal): var dx:array[1..4] of longint=(-1,1,0,0); dy:array[1..4] of longint=(0,0,1,-1); p1:array[1..4] of char=('n','s','e','w'); p2:array[1..4] of char=('N','S','E','W'); type rec=record f:ansistring; x,y,bx,by,step,step2:longint; end; var map:array[1..20,1..20] of boolean; ch:char; stx,sty,enx,eny,bx,by,n,m,r,cash:longint; q:array[1..10000] of rec; v:array[1..20,1..20,1..20,1..20] of boolean; procedure swap(var x,y:rec); var t:rec; begin t:=x;x:=y;y:=t; end; procedure change(i:longint); var lc,rc,min:longint; begin min:=i;lc:=i shl 1;rc:=lc+1; if (lc<=r) and ((q[lc].step<q[min].step) or ((q[lc].step=q[min].step) and (q[lc].step2<q[min].step2))) then min:=lc; if (rc<=r) and ((q[rc].step<q[min].step) or ((q[rc].step=q[min].step) and (q[rc].step2<q[min].step2))) then min:=rc; if i<>min then begin swap(q[i],q[min]); change(min); end; end; function getmin:rec; begin getmin:=q[1];q[1]:=q[r];dec(r);change(1); end; procedure insert(x:rec); var i:longint; begin inc(r); q[r]:=x;i:=r; while (i>1) and ((q[i shr 1].step>q[i].step) or ((q[i shr 1].step=q[i].step) and (q[i shr 1].step2>q[i].step2))) do begin swap(q[i],q[i shr 1]); i:=i shr 1; end; end; procedure init; var i,j:longint; begin fillchar(map,sizeof(map),true); for i:=1 to n do begin for j:=1 to m do begin read(ch); if ch='#' then map[i,j]:=false else if ch='S' then begin stx:=i;sty:=j; end else if ch='T' then begin enx:=i;eny:=j; end else if ch='B' then begin bx:=i;by:=j; end; end; readln; end; end; function ok(x,y:longint):boolean; begin if (x<1) or (x>n) or (y<1) or (y>m) then exit(false); exit(map[x,y]); end; procedure bfs; var i:longint; x,nx:rec; begin fillchar(v,sizeof(v),false); x.f:='';x.step:=0;x.step2:=0; x.x:=stx;x.y:=sty;x.bx:=bx;x.by:=by; r:=0; insert(x); while r>0 do begin x:=getmin; if (x.bx=enx) and (x.by=eny) then begin writeln(x.f); exit; end; for i:=1 to 4 do begin if (x.x+dx[i]=x.bx) and (x.y+dy[i]=x.by) and ok(x.bx+dx[i],x.by+dy[i]) then begin nx:=x; nx.bx:=x.bx+dx[i];nx.by:=x.by+dy[i]; nx.x:=x.x+dx[i];nx.y:=x.y+dy[i]; nx.step:=x.step+1; nx.step2:=x.step2+1; nx.f:=x.f+p2[i]; if not v[nx.x,nx.y,nx.bx,nx.by] then begin insert(nx); v[nx.x,nx.y,nx.bx,nx.by]:=true; end; end else if ok(x.x+dx[i],x.y+dy[i]) and (not ((x.x+dx[i]=x.bx) and (x.y+dy[i]=x.by))) then begin nx:=x; nx.x:=x.x+dx[i];nx.y:=x.y+dy[i]; nx.f:=x.f+p1[i]; nx.step2:=x.step2+1; if not v[nx.x,nx.y,nx.bx,nx.by] then begin insert(nx); v[nx.x,nx.y,nx.bx,nx.by]:=true; end; end; end; end; writeln('Impossible.'); end; begin cash:=0; while not eof do begin readln(n,m); if n+m=0 then break; init; inc(cash); writeln('Maze #',cash); bfs; writeln; end; writeln; end. 双向BFS的方法也许更好理解: const dx:array[1..4] of longint=(-1,1,0,0);dy:array[1..4] of longint=(0,0,1,-1); p:string[4]=('NSEW'); m:string[4]=('nsew'); type node=record x,y:longint; ans:ansistring; end; rec=record bx,by,px,py:longint; ans:ansistring; end; var r,c,begx,begy,endx,endy,begsx,begsy,cases,i,j:longint; map:array[1..21] of string[20]; vis,v:array[1..21,1..21] of boolean; f1,g1:node; f,g:rec; q:array[1..401] of rec; q1:array[1..401] of node; function ok(x,y:longint):boolean; begin if (x>=1) and (x<=r) and (y>=1) and (y<=c) then exit(true) else exit(false); end; function slove(bx,by,ex,ey:longint):boolean; var l,r,i:longint; begin fillchar(v,sizeof(v),false); v[bx,by]:=true; f1.x:=bx; f1.y:=by; f1.ans:=''; if (bx=ex) and (by=ey) then exit(true); l:=0; r:=1; q1[r]:=f1; while l<r do begin inc(l); f1:=q1[l]; for i:=1 to 4 do begin g1.x:=f1.x+dx[i]; g1.y:=f1.y+dy[i]; if not ok(g1.x,g1.y) or (map[g1.x,g1.y]='#') or ((f.bx=g1.x) and (f.by=g1.y)) then continue; if not v[g1.x,g1.y] then begin v[g1.x,g1.y]:=true; g1.ans:=f1.ans+m[i]; if (g1.x=ex) and (g1.y=ey) then begin f1:=g1; exit(true); end; inc(r); q1[r]:=g1; end; end; end; exit(false); end; function bfs():boolean; var l,r,newx,newy,tx,ty:longint; begin f.bx:=begx; f.by:=begy; f.px:=begsx; f.py:=begsy; f.ans:=''; vis[begx,begy]:=true; r:=1; l:=0; q[r]:=f; while l<r do begin inc(l); f:=q[l]; for i:=1 to 4 do begin newx:=f.bx+dx[i]; newy:=f.by+dy[i]; tx:=f.bx-dx[i]; ty:=f.by-dy[i]; if (not ok(newx, newy)) or (map[newx,newy]='#') or (not ok(tx,ty)) or (map[tx,ty]='#') or (vis[newx,newy]) then continue; if slove(f.px,f.py,tx,ty) then begin g.bx:=newx; g.by:=newy; g.px:=f.bx; g.py:=f.by; g.ans:=f.ans+f1.ans+p[i]; if (g.bx=endx) and (g.by=endy) then exit(true); vis[newx,newy]:=true; inc(r); q[r]:=g; end; end; end; exit(false); end; begin cases:=1; readln(r,c); while (r+c>0) do begin fillchar(vis,sizeof(vis),0); writeln('Maze #', cases); inc(cases); for i:=1 to r do readln(map[i]); for i:=1 to r do for j:=1 to c do begin if map[i,j]='B' then begin begx:=i; begy:=j; end; if map[i,j]='T' then begin endx:=i; endy:=j; end; if map[i,j]='S' then begin begsx:=i; begsy:=j; end; end; if bfs() then writeln(g.ans) else writeln('Impossible.'); readln(r,c); writeln; end; end. Followed by:
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