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AC代码In Reply To:我来造福人类。。 Posted by:bigTG at 2014-03-14 22:36:30 {Memory:7192K Time:297MS Language:Pascal Code Length:1995B} program count; type TTree=^Node; Node=record L,R,col:longint; lc,rc:TTree; same:boolean; //same的意义在于,same为true则区间为纯色,为false则为混色 end; var long,O,i,a,b,c:longint; T:TTree; ch:char; procedure swap(var a,b:longint); var k:longint; begin k:=a; a:=b; b:=k; end; procedure build(var T:TTree;L,R:longint); var mid:longint; begin new(T); T^.L:=L; T^.R:=R; T^.lc:=nil; T^.rc:=nil; T^.col:=1; T^.same:=true; if L<R then begin mid:=(L+R) shr 1; build(T^.lc,L,mid); build(T^.rc,mid+1,R); end; end; procedure paint(var T:TTree;L,R,c:longint); var mid:longint; begin if (T^.L=L) and (T^.R=R) then begin T^.same:=true; T^.col:=c; exit; end; if T^.same then begin T^.same:=false; T^.lc^.col:=T^.col; T^.lc^.same:=true; T^.rc^.col:=T^.col; T^.rc^.same:=true; end; mid:=(T^.L+T^.R) shr 1; if R<=mid then paint(T^.lc,L,R,c) else if L>mid then paint(T^.rc,L,R,c) else begin paint(T^.lc,L,mid,c); paint(T^.rc,mid+1,R,c); end; T^.col:=T^.lc^.col or T^.rc^.col; end; function query(T:TTree;L,R:longint):longint; var mid:longint; begin if T^.same then exit(T^.col); if (T^.L=L) and (T^.R=R) then exit(T^.col); mid:=(T^.L+T^.R) shr 1; if R<=mid then exit(query(T^.lc,L,R)) else if L>mid then exit(query(T^.rc,L,R)) else exit(query(T^.lc,L,mid) or query(T^.rc,mid+1,R)); end; function count(c:longint):integer; var i,x:longint; begin count:=0; x:=1; for i:= 1 to 30 do begin if x and c>0 then inc(count); x:=x shl 1; end; end; begin readln(long,O,O); build(T,1,long); for i:= 1 to O do begin read(ch); case ch of 'C': begin readln(a,b,c); if a>b then swap(a,b); //注意题目说"A may be larger than B" paint(T,a,b,1 shl (c-1)); end; 'P': begin readln(a,b); if a>b then swap(a,b); writeln(count(query(T,a,b))); end; end; end; end. Followed by:
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