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3468 Splay差点超时,不过还是可以过的虽然自己用普通线段树2s,ZKW线段树1s过了,为了学Splay还是写了Splay 4875ms过 (* 好像很多地方都可以优化,算了... *) 蒟蒻代码-> ( 由于不涉及Insert/Delete 所以查找节点直接用的值而不是size,这样会快一点 ) program poj3468; type pnode=^tnode; tnode=record v,len,w:longint; sum,dlt:int64; p,l,r:pnode; end; const maxn=100017; var null,root,tp:pnode; n,cmd:longint; initial:array[0..maxn] of longint; procedure splay_init; begin new(null); with null^ do begin v:=0; len:=0; w:=0; dlt:=0; sum:=0; l:=null; r:=null; p:=null; end; root:=null; end; procedure pushupto(var i:pnode); begin i^.len:=i^.l^.len+i^.r^.len+1; i^.sum:=i^.l^.sum+i^.l^.len*i^.l^.dlt +i^.r^.sum+i^.r^.len*i^.r^.dlt +i^.w; end; procedure pushdown(var i:pnode); begin if i^.dlt=0 then exit; inc(i^.w,i^.dlt); inc(i^.sum,i^.len*i^.dlt); if i^.l<>null then inc(i^.l^.dlt,i^.dlt); if i^.r<>null then inc(i^.r^.dlt,i^.dlt); i^.dlt:=0; end; procedure build(var i:pnode;il,ir:longint); var mid:longint; begin new(i); mid:=(il+ir)>>1; i^.v:=mid; i^.sum:=initial[mid]; i^.len:=ir-il+1; i^.w:=initial[mid]; i^.dlt:=0; if il<>ir then begin if il<=mid-1 then build(i^.l,il,mid-1) else i^.l:=null; if ir>=mid+1 then build(i^.r,mid+1,ir) else i^.r:=null; i^.l^.p:=i; i^.r^.p:=i; pushupto(i); end else begin i^.l:=null; i^.r:=null; end; end; procedure rrot(var i:pnode); var lkid:pnode; begin pushdown(i); pushdown(i^.l); lkid:=i^.l; i^.l:=lkid^.r; lkid^.r:=i; lkid^.p:=i^.p; i^.p:=lkid; i^.l^.p:=i; pushupto(i); pushupto(lkid); if i=root then root:=lkid else if lkid^.v<lkid^.p^.v then lkid^.p^.l:=lkid else lkid^.p^.r:=lkid; i:=lkid; end; procedure lrot(var i:pnode); var rkid,tmp:pnode; begin pushdown(i); pushdown(i^.r); rkid:=i^.r; i^.r:=rkid^.l; rkid^.l:=i; rkid^.p:=i^.p; i^.p:=rkid; i^.r^.p:=i; pushupto(i); pushupto(rkid); if i=root then root:=rkid else if rkid^.v<rkid^.p^.v then rkid^.p^.l:=rkid else rkid^.p^.r:=rkid; i:=rkid; end; procedure splay(var i,j:pnode); var k:pnode; begin while i<>j do begin if i^.p=j then if i=j^.l then rrot(j) else lrot(j) else if i=i^.p^.l then if i^.p=i^.p^.p^.l then begin k:=i^.p^.p; rrot(k); k:=i^.p; rrot(k); end else begin k:=i^.p; rrot(k); k:=i^.p; lrot(k); end else if i^.p=i^.p^.p^.l then begin k:=i^.p; lrot(k); k:=i^.p; rrot(k); end else begin k:=i^.p^.p; lrot(k); k:=i^.p; lrot(k); end; end; end; function getnode(i:longint):pnode; begin getnode:=root; while (getnode<>null)and(getnode^.v<>i) do if i<getnode^.v then getnode:=getnode^.l else getnode:=getnode^.r; end; procedure init; var i,j,k:longint; begin readln(n,cmd); for i:=1 to n do read(initial[i]); readln; end; procedure work; var i,j,k:longint; op:char; tp:pnode; begin tp:=root; while tp<>null do begin dec(tp^.len); tp:=tp^.l; end; tp:=root; while tp<>null do begin dec(tp^.len); tp:=tp^.r; end; while cmd>0 do begin dec(cmd); read(op); case op of 'Q':begin readln(i,j); tp:=getnode(i-1); splay(tp,root); tp:=getnode(j+1); splay(tp,root^.r); pushdown(root); pushdown(root^.r); pushdown(root^.r^.l); writeln(root^.r^.l^.sum); end; 'C':begin readln(i,j,k); tp:=getnode(i-1); splay(tp,root); tp:=getnode(j+1); splay(tp,root^.r); inc(root^.r^.l^.dlt,k); end; end; end; end; begin init; splay_init; build(root,0,n+1); work; end. Followed by:
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