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2391 丧心病狂卡指针1.时限太紧,没有一个大牛0ms(你这个688ms的蒟蒻有什么资格说) 2.空间卡的丧心病狂 交4次,1次AC 1次TLE 2次MLE... 3.让我认识到了指针的替代品的用处,但是OI里面卡指针真是一个丧心病狂的行为. 题目不难,注意以下 1.无解 --> writeln(-1); 2.用指针->MLE,用带内存回收的指针->TLE 个人不喜欢用前向星,用的数组模拟指针,Memory减少1倍 Time减少1倍 顺便提问 数组模拟指针到底在什么时候有很大提高 以前写平衡树时试过一次,没有任何提高,为什么这次就提高了这么多... 又长又烂的代码 program poj2391; type tnode=record n,c:longint; next,opp:longint; end; const maxint=longint($3f3f3f3f); var g,cur,arc:array[1..407] of longint; dist:array[0..407,0..407] of int64; prev,dlt,d,dc,inf,outf:array[0..407] of longint; mem:array[0..700001] of tnode; //模拟指针 orign,n,m,st,trm,ans,maxflow,size:longint; ltime,l,r,answer:int64; flag:boolean; function min(a,b:longint):longint; begin if a<b then exit(a) else exit(b); end; procedure insarc(u,v,w:longint); begin inc(size); with mem[size] do begin n:=v; c:=w; next:=g[u]; end; g[u]:=size; end; procedure insnbs(u,v,w:longint); begin insarc(u,v,w); insarc(v,u,0); mem[g[u]].opp:=g[v]; mem[g[v]].opp:=g[u]; end; procedure floyd; var i,j,k:longint; begin for k:=1 to n do for i:=1 to n do if (i<>k)and(dist[i,k]<>maxint) then for j:=1 to n do if (j<>k)and(dist[j,k]<>maxint)and(dist[i,k]+dist[k,j]<dist[i,j]) then dist[i,j]:=dist[i,k]+dist[k,j]; end; procedure main_init; var i,j,u,v,w:longint; begin readln(n,m); orign:=n; st:=(n<<1)+1; trm:=(n<<1)+2; for i:=1 to n do begin readln(u,v); inc(inf[i],u); inc(outf[i+n],v); inc(maxflow,u); end; fillchar(dist,sizeof(dist),$3f); for i:=1 to n do begin dist[i,trm]:=0; dist[st,i]:=0; dist[i,i]:=0; end; for i:=1 to m do begin readln(u,v,w); if w<dist[u,v] then begin dist[u,v]:=w; dist[v,u]:=w; end; end; floyd; end; procedure init; var i,j,k:longint; begin fillchar(d,sizeof(d),0); size:=0; n:=orign; fillchar(g,sizeof(g),0); for i:=1 to n do if inf[i]>0 then insnbs(st,i,inf[i]); for i:=n+1 to n+n do if outf[i]>0 then insnbs(i,trm,outf[i]); for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n do if dist[i,j]<=ltime then insnbs(i,j+n,maxint); end; procedure isap; var u,j:longint; tmp:longint; begin n:=(n<<1+2); prev[st]:=st; dc[0]:=n; dlt[st]:=maxint; u:=st; ans:=0; cur:=g; while d[st]<n do begin while (cur[u]<>0) and((d[u]<>d[mem[cur[u]].n]+1)or(mem[cur[u]].c=0)) do cur[u]:=mem[cur[u]].next; if cur[u]=0 then begin dec(dc[d[u]]); if dc[d[u]]=0 then break; tmp:=g[u]; j:=n; while tmp<>0 do begin if (mem[tmp].c>0)and(d[mem[tmp].n]<j) then j:=d[mem[tmp].n]; tmp:=mem[tmp].next; end; d[u]:=j+1; inc(dc[d[u]]); cur[u]:=g[u]; u:=prev[u]; end else begin prev[mem[cur[u]].n]:=u; dlt[mem[cur[u]].n]:=min(dlt[u],mem[cur[u]].c); arc[mem[cur[u]].n]:=cur[u]; u:=mem[cur[u]].n; if u=trm then begin j:=dlt[u]; inc(ans,j); while u<>st do begin dec(mem[arc[u]].c,j); inc(mem[mem[arc[u]].opp].c,j); u:=prev[u]; end; end; end; end; end; begin main_init; r:=(int64(1)<<40); l:=0; flag:=false; while l<r do begin ltime:=(r+l)>>1; init; isap; if ans=maxflow then begin answer:=ltime; r:=ltime; flag:=true; end else l:=ltime+1; end; if flag then writeln(answer) else writeln(-1); end. Followed by:
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