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为什么WA了没用图做的,帮忙跟踪一下看看哪里有错阿 var a:Array[0..27,0..27] of longint; out,x,y,i,j,k,i1,i2:longint; n:longint; s:string; procedure print; var m:array[1..26] of longint; max,mi,l,r:longint; begin FILLCHAR(M,SIZEOF(M),0); write('Sorted sequence determined after ',i,' relations: '); for l:=1 to x do for r:=1 to x do if a[l,r]=1 then inc(m[l]); for l:=1 to x do begin max:=-1; for r:=1 to x do if m[r]>max then begin max:=m[r]; mi:=r; end; write(chr(mi+64)); m[mi]:=-1; end; writeln('.'); end; function check:boolean; var ii,jj:longint; begin check:=false; for ii:=2 to x do for jj:=1 to ii-1 do if a[ii,jj]=0 then exit; check:=true; end; procedure sub(q,p:longint); VAR T:LONGINT; II:LONGINT; begin T:=3-A[Q,P]; FOR II:=1 TO X DO IF A[Q,II]=T THEN IF (A[P,II]<>0)AND(A[P,II]<>T) THEN BEGIN N:=1;OUT:=I; EXIT; END ELSE IF A[P,II]=0 THEN BEGIN A[P,II]:=T; A[II,P]:=3-T; SUB(P,II); END; END; begin repeat n:=0; fillchar(a,sizeof(a),0); readln(x,y); if (x=0)and(y=0) then halt; for i:=1 to y do if (n<>1)and(n<>2) then begin readln(s); i1:=ord(s[1])-64; i2:=ord(s[3])-64; IF I1=I2 THEN BEGIN N:=1;OUT:=I; END ELSE BEGIN if s[2]='<' then if a[i1,i2]=2 then begin n:=1;out:=i;end else begin a[i1,i2]:=1; a[i2,i1]:=2; end; sub(i1,i2); if n<>1 then if check then begin print;n:=2;end; END; end else READLN; if n=1 then writeln('Inconsistency found after ',out,' relations.'); if n=0 then writeln('Sorted sequence cannot be determined.'); until 1<>1; end. Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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