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为什么我总是Run time error....我自己测所有的数据可能情况.都没有出现Run time error.... 这个是我的程序. type word=longint; integer=longint; const fx:array[1..8] of integer=(-1,1,-2,2,-2,2,-1,1); fy:array[1..8] of integer=(-2,-2,-1,-1,1,1,2,2); maxn=34; var a:array[1..maxn,1..maxn] of boolean; m,n,time,t,nowx,nowy,tx,ty,i,j,k,tt:longint; pathx,pathy,temp:string; flag:boolean; Procedure init; begin fillchar(a,sizeof(a),false); read(m,n); for i:=1 to m do for j:=1 to n do a[i,j]:=true; end; Procedure print; var tt,code:integer; begin writeln('Scenario #',time,':'); for i:=1 to length(pathx) do begin val(pathy[i],tt,code); write(chr(tt+ord('A')-1),pathx[i]); end; writeln; writeln; flag:=true; end; Procedure try(dep:integer); var i:integer; begin if flag then exit; for i:=1 to 8 do begin tx:=nowx+fx[i]; ty:=nowy+fy[i]; if (tx in [1..m])and(ty in [1..n]) then if a[tx,ty] then begin nowx:=tx; nowy:=ty; a[tx,ty]:=false; inc(dep); str(nowx,temp); pathx:=pathx+temp; str(nowy,temp); pathy:=pathy+temp; if dep=m*n then print else try(dep); a[nowx,nowy]:=true; nowx:=nowx-fx[i]; nowy:=nowy-fy[i]; delete(pathx,length(pathx),1); delete(pathy,length(pathy),1); dec(dep); if flag then exit; end; end; end; Procedure main; begin nowx:=1; nowy:=1; pathx:='1'; pathy:='1'; a[1,1]:=false; flag:=false; try(1); end; Begin read(tt); for time:=1 to tt do begin init; if (n<>1)or(m<>1) then begin main; if not flag then begin writeln('Scenario #',time,':'); writeln('impossible'); writeln; end; end else begin writeln('Scenario #',time,':'); writeln('A1'); writeln; end; end; End. Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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