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谁能告诉我程序哪里不对,小妹将以身相许初学几天,请gg多多指教! const maxn =50; var sd :array[1..maxn,1..4]of integer; p :array[1..maxn,1..2]of integer; mp :array[1..maxn,1..maxn]of boolean; cvr :array[1..maxn]of boolean; lnk :array[1..maxn]of integer; n,stp :integer; procedure read_in; var i:integer; begin readln(n); if n=0 then halt; for i:=1 to n do readln(sd[i,1],sd[i,2],sd[i,3],sd[i,4]); for i:=1 to n do readln(p[i,1],p[i,2]); end; function btw(a,i,j:integer):boolean; begin btw:=(i<a) and (a<j); end; procedure build_graph; var i,j:integer; begin fillchar(mp,sizeof(mp),0); for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n do mp[i,j]:=btw(p[i,1],sd[j,1],sd[j,2]) and btw(p[i,2],sd[j,3],sd[j,4]) end; function find(k:integer):boolean; var i,q:integer; begin find:=true; for i:=1 to n do if mp[k,i] and not cvr[i] then begin cvr[i]:=true; q:=lnk[i]; lnk[i]:=k; if (q=0) or find(q) then exit; lnk[i]:=q; end; find:=false; end; procedure max_match; var i,q,w:integer; begin fillchar(lnk,sizeof(lnk),0); for i:=1 to n do begin fillchar(cvr,sizeof(cvr),0); find(i); end; inc(stp); writeln('Heap ',stp); w:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin q:=lnk[i]; lnk[i]:=0; mp[q,i]:=false; fillchar(cvr,sizeof(cvr),0); if not find(q) then begin lnk[i]:=q; inc(w); if w>1 then write(' '); write('(',chr(i+64),',',lnk[i],')'); end; mp[q,i]:=true; end; if w=0 then write('none'); writeln; end; begin stp:=0; repeat read_in; build_graph; max_match; writeln; until false; end. Followed by:
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