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哪位大侠能不能给点数据或提示阿,测试数据我都能通过,可还是Wavar s:array[-2..25] of string; a,b,c,d,e,f,g,x:longint; procedure zh(var sx,sy:string); var m,n,i,j,t:longint; ch1,ch2:string; num:array[0..10] of integer; begin ch1:='';ch2:='';m:=0;n:=0;i:=0;j:=0;t:=0; for i:=0 to 10 do num[i]:=0; for i:=1 to length(sx) do begin val(sx[i],t); num[t]:=num[t]+1; end; for i:=0 to 9 do begin if num[i]<>0 then begin str(num[i],ch1);str(i,ch2); sy:=sy+ch1+ch2; end; end; end; function fuhetiaojian(sx:string):boolean; var i,j:longint; begin i:=0;j:=0; fuhetiaojian:=false; if s[1]=s[0] then begin writeln(s[0],' is self-inventorying'); fuhetiaojian:=true; exit; end; if x>17 then begin writeln(s[0],' can not be classified after 15 iterations'); fuhetiaojian:=true; exit; end; if (s[x-1]=s[x-2]) and (x>2) then begin writeln(s[0],' is self-inventorying after ',(x-2),' steps'); fuhetiaojian:=true; exit; end; for i:=0 to x-2 do if (s[x-1]=s[i]) and (x>1) then begin writeln(s[0],' enters an inventory loop of length ',x-1-i); fuhetiaojian:=true; exit; end; end; begin while not(s[0]='-1') do begin for x:=0 to 20 do s[x]:=''; read(s[0]);readln;x:=1; while not(fuhetiaojian(s[x])) do begin zh(s[x-1],s[x]); x:=x+1; end; end; end. 先谢~ Followed by:
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