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Re:ac的注意一下啊,下面两组数据不一定过~~~汗In Reply To:ac的注意一下啊,下面两组数据不一定过~~~汗 Posted by:ACM_Qun at 2011-04-09 18:03:48 > 3 > 0 0 1 2 > 0 2 1 4 > 1 1 2 3 > 12 > 3 > 0 1 2 2 > 2 1 4 2 > 1 0 3 1 > 12 这两组都过了,可是WA~能不能指点下- - const mm=1000000; type cc=record l,r,k,p:longint; end; type arr=array[0..50009]of cc; type c1=record l,r,m,ld,rd,c,line:Longint; end; var tr:array[0..151234]of c1; x,y,b:arr; i,j,k,m,n,x1,x2,y1,y2,ans,minx,miny,maxx,maxy,l,r,tt,lx,ly:Longint; procedure init; begin read(n); minx:=mm; miny:=mm; maxx:=-mm; maxy:=-mm; for i:=1 to n do begin read(x1,y1,x2,y2); if x1<minx then minx:=x1; if x2>maxx then maxx:=x2; if y1<miny then miny:=y1; if y2>maxy then maxy:=y2; inc(lx); with x[lx] do begin l:=y1;r:=y2;k:=x1;end; inc(lx); with x[lx] do begin l:=y1;r:=y2;k:=x2;p:=1;end; inc(ly); with y[ly] do begin l:=x1;r:=x2;k:=y1;end; inc(ly); with y[ly] do begin l:=x1;r:=x2;k:=y2;p:=1;end; end; end; procedure qsort(var a:arr;l,r:longint); var i,j,m:Longint; p:cc; begin i:=l;j:=r;m:=a[(l+r)shr 1].k; repeat while a[i].k<m do inc(i); while a[j].k>m do dec(j); if i<=j then begin p:=a[i]; a[i]:=a[j]; a[j]:=p; inc(i); dec(j); end; until i>j; if i<r then qsort(a,i,r); if j>l then qsort(a,l,j); end; procedure new(root:Longint); begin tr[root].ld:=tr[root*2].ld; tr[root].rd:=tr[root*2+1].rd; tr[root].line:=tr[root*2].line+tr[root*2+1].line-tr[root*2].rd*tr[root*2+1].ld; end; procedure ins(root,a,b:Longint); begin with tr[root] do if (l>=a)and(r<=b)then begin inc(c); ld:=1; rd:=1; line:=1; end else begin if a<m then ins(root*2,a,b); if b>m then ins(root*2+1,a,b); if c=0 then new(root); end; end; procedure del(root,a,b:longint); begin with tr[root] do if (l>=a)and(r<=b) then begin dec(c); if c=0 then new(root); end else begin if a<m then del(root*2,a,b); if b>m then del(root*2+1,a,b); if c=0 then new(root); end; end; procedure build(tt,l,r:Longint); begin tr[tt].m:=(l+r)div 2; tr[tt].l:=l; tr[tt].r:=r; if r-l=1 then exit; build(tt*2,l,tr[tt].m); build(tt*2+1,tr[tt].m,r); end; procedure calc(var a:arr); begin for i:=1 to 2*n-1 do begin if a[i].p=0 then ins(1,a[i].l,a[i].r)else del(1,a[i].l,a[i].r); ans:=tr[1].line*(a[i+1].k-a[i].k)+ans; end; end; begin init; qsort(x,1,n shl 1); ans:=0; fillchar(tr,sizeof(tr),0); build(1,miny,maxy); calc(x); fillchar(tr,sizeof(tr),0); qsort(y,1,n shl 1); build(1,minx,maxx); calc(y); writeln(ans*2); end. Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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