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Re:还没我单向的快呢……In Reply To:双向bfs 469MS 过! Posted by:969869102 at 2011-04-17 17:47:44 #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #define DEST 46233 //The sequence num of "123456780",the destination using namespace std; struct Result{ char status[10]; short xPos; //Current position of x char move[100]; //record the current searching record! Important }eight[50000] = {0},*p = eight,*q = eight + 1; char final[100] = {0}; static bool used[362881] = {false}; //to mark if the status has been searched int count = 1; int SequenceNum(const Result* m){ int big[9] = {0},sum = 0; for(int i = 0;i < 8;++i){ for(int j = i + 1;j < 9;++j){ if(m->status[i] > m->status[j])++big[8-i]; } } int fac = 1; for(int i = 1;i < 9;++i){ sum += big[i] * fac; fac *= i + 1; } return sum; } int BFS(){ int StatusNum,step,pos; char temp; while(true){ pos = p->xPos; step = strlen(p->move); if(p->xPos > 2){ strcpy(q->status,p->status); temp = q->status[pos]; q->status[pos] = q->status[pos - 3]; q->status[pos - 3] = temp; q->xPos = pos - 3; StatusNum = SequenceNum(q); if(used[StatusNum] == false){ used[StatusNum] = true; strcpy(q->move,p->move); q->move[step] = 'u'; if(StatusNum == DEST){ strcpy(final,q->move); return step + 1; } if(q < eight + 49999)++q; else q = eight; ++count; } } if(p->xPos < 6){ strcpy(q->status,p->status); temp = q->status[pos]; q->status[pos] = q->status[pos + 3]; q->status[pos + 3] = temp; q->xPos = pos + 3; StatusNum = SequenceNum(q); if(used[StatusNum] == false){ used[StatusNum] = true; strcpy(q->move,p->move); q->move[step] = 'd'; if(StatusNum == DEST){ strcpy(final,q->move); return step + 1; } if(q < eight + 49999)++q; else q = eight; ++count; } } if(p->xPos%3 > 0){ strcpy(q->status,p->status); temp = q->status[pos]; q->status[pos] = q->status[pos - 1]; q->status[pos - 1] = temp; q->xPos = pos - 1; StatusNum = SequenceNum(q); if(used[StatusNum] == false){ used[StatusNum] = true; strcpy(q->move,p->move); q->move[step] = 'l'; if(StatusNum == DEST){ strcpy(final,q->move); return step + 1; } if(q < eight + 49999)++q; else q = eight; ++count; } } if(p->xPos%3 < 2){ strcpy(q->status,p->status); temp = q->status[pos]; q->status[pos] = q->status[pos + 1]; q->status[pos + 1] = temp; q->xPos = pos + 1; StatusNum = SequenceNum(q); if(used[StatusNum] == false){ used[StatusNum] = true; strcpy(q->move,p->move); q->move[step] = 'r'; if(StatusNum == DEST){ strcpy(final,q->move); return step + 1; } if(q < eight + 49999)++q; else q = eight; ++count; } } //Final: Process p if(p < eight + 49999)++p; else p = eight; --count; } } int main(){ /* Get the original board */ for(int i = 0;i < 9;++i){ cin>>p->status[i]; if(p->status[i] == 'x'){ p->status[i] = '0'; p->xPos = i; } } if(strcmp(p->status,"123456780") == 0){ printf("0\n"); return 0; } used[SequenceNum(p)] = true; memset(p->move,0,100*sizeof(char)); /* Search and print result */ BFS(); printf("%s\n",final); return 0; } 329ms Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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