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Re:原来显示的这道题是:Hidden Password

Posted by pengyongjian at 2012-04-11 21:18:52 on Problem 1454
In Reply To:原来显示的这道题是:Hidden Password Posted by:noname00 at 2004-05-11 08:38:35
> Problem B
> Hidden Password
> Some time the programmers have very strange ways to hide their passwords. See for example how Billy “Hacker” Geits hide his password. Billy chooses a string S composed of small Latin letters with length L. Then he makes all L-1 one-letter left cyclic shifts of the string and takes as a password one prefix of the lexicographically first of the obtained strings (including S). For example let consider the string alabala. The cyclic one-letter left shifts (including the initial string) are:
>      		alabala
> 		labalaa
> 		abalaal
> 		balaala
> 		alaalab
> 		laalaba
>                    aalabal
> and lexicographically first of them is the string aalabal. The first letter of this string is in position 6 in the initial string (the positions in the string are counted from 0).
> Write a program that for given string S finds the start position of the smallest lexicographically one-letter left cyclic shift of this string. If the smallest lexicographically left shift appears more than once then the program have to output the smallest initial position.
> Your program has to be ready to solve more than one test case. The first line of the input file will contains only the number T of the test cases. Each of the following T lines will describe one test case – first the length L of the string (5£L£100000) and then, separated by one space, the string S itself.
> The output file have to contain exactly T lines with a single number each – the initial position found by your program. 
> Input
> 2
> 6 baabaa
> 7 alabala
> Output
> 1
> 6

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