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Re:幽幽道~~~还是数组开小了~~~~In Reply To:幽幽道~~~还是数组开小了~~~~ Posted by:eche at 2012-03-05 21:55:54 > 水题陷阱多。一开始数组开的512,WA了2次,反复检查算法无误,把Discuss里的数据一组组测,结果一个output是49的测出来是51,其他都对,纠结N久找不出原因,结果羞愤中把数组开到1000,奇迹般地跳正确结果49了,赶紧提交终于0msAC……经实验可以至少要开到560才行…… 找到原因了,最大流每一步求出增长路径后,都要添加一条相应反向路径,我忘把这些反向路径的开销考虑进去,导致边数组开小了(我用的是游标数组实现的邻接链表表示法)。用邻接表的优势是占用内存少,遍历相邻边效率更高,注意点是添加边的时候一定要检查该边是否已存在,若存在仅更新边上的权即可。 附个AC代码供参考,因为作练习用,所以什么都自己写了,显得繁琐了 #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define INFINITY 65535 #define STRLEN 25 #define ARCNUM 600 #define VNUM 600 #define HASHSIZE 1207 int n,m,k; char str1[STRLEN],str2[STRLEN]; //Graph struct ArcNode { int adjvex; int cost; int next; }arcs[ARCNUM]; struct VNode { int firstarc; }nodes[VNUM]; void InitArcs() { int i; for(i=0;i<ARCNUM-1;++i) arcs[i].next = i+1; arcs[i].next = 0; } void InitNodes() { for( int i = 0; i<VNUM; ++i ) nodes[i].firstarc = 0; } int CursorAlloc() { int p; p = arcs[0].next; arcs[0].next = arcs[p].next; return p; } void CursorFree(int p) { arcs[p].next = arcs[0].next; arcs[0].next = p; } int InsertArc(int from, int to, int cost) { int p = CursorAlloc(); arcs[p].adjvex = to; arcs[p].cost = cost; arcs[p].next = nodes[from].firstarc; nodes[from].firstarc = p; return p; } int FindArc(int from, int to) { int p; for( p = nodes[from].firstarc; p != 0 && arcs[p].adjvex != to; p = arcs[p].next ); return p; } //Hash int NodeID; struct HashEntry { char nodename[STRLEN]; int id; bool filled; }hashtable[HASHSIZE]; void InitHash() { for(int i=0;i<HASHSIZE;++i) hashtable[i].filled = false; NodeID = 3; // 1:start 2:end } unsigned int Hash(char* key) { unsigned int hash_v = 0; while(*key!='\0') hash_v += (hash_v<<5)+*key++; return hash_v % HASHSIZE; } unsigned int Find(char* key) { unsigned int pos,collisionNum; pos = Hash(key); collisionNum = 0; while( hashtable[pos].filled && strcmp(hashtable[pos].nodename,key) != 0 ) { pos += 2*++collisionNum-1; if(pos>=HASHSIZE) pos-=HASHSIZE; } return pos; } void Insert(char* key) { unsigned int pos = Find(key); if( !hashtable[pos].filled ) { strcpy(hashtable[pos].nodename, key); hashtable[pos].id = NodeID++; hashtable[pos].filled = true; } } //Queue int queue[VNUM]; int front,rear,size; void InitQueue() { front = rear = size = 0; } bool isEmpty() { return size == 0; } bool isFull() { return size == VNUM; } void Enqueue(int x) { if(isFull()) return; size++; queue[rear++] = x; if( rear == VNUM ) rear = 0; } int Dequeue() { if(isEmpty()) return 0; size--; int rslt = queue[front++]; if( front == VNUM ) front = 0; return rslt; } //ShortestPath int dist[VNUM]; //到达该点最短路径的边最小花费 int from[VNUM]; void InitShortestPath() { for(int i = 0; i< VNUM; ++i) { dist[i] = INFINITY; from[i] = 0; } } bool ShortestPath() { int p,q; InitShortestPath(); InitQueue(); dist[1] = 0; Enqueue(1); while(!isEmpty()) { p = Dequeue(); for( q = nodes[p].firstarc; q != 0; q = arcs[q].next ) { if( arcs[q].cost != 0 && dist[arcs[q].adjvex] == INFINITY ) { if( p == 1 ) dist[arcs[q].adjvex] = arcs[q].cost; else dist[arcs[q].adjvex] = arcs[q].cost < dist[p] ? arcs[q].cost : dist[p]; from[arcs[q].adjvex] = p; Enqueue(arcs[q].adjvex); } } } if( from[2] != 0 ) return true; else return false; } //MaxStream int MaxStream() { int p, q; int curStream,totalStream = 0; int arc; while( ShortestPath() ) { curStream = dist[2]; totalStream += dist[2]; for( q = 2, p = from[q]; p != 0; q = p, p = from[q] ) { arc = FindArc(p,q); arcs[arc].cost -= curStream; arc = FindArc(q,p); if(!arc) arc = InsertArc(q,p,0); arcs[arc].cost += curStream; } } return totalStream; } int main() { //freopen("D:\input.txt","r",stdin); int i; int from,to; int arc; InitHash(); InitArcs(); InitNodes(); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i!=n;++i) { scanf("%s",str1); Insert(str1); from = hashtable[Find(str1)].id; arc = FindArc(from,2); if(!arc) arc = InsertArc(from,2,0); arcs[arc].cost++; } scanf("%d",&m); for(i=0;i!=m;++i) { scanf("%s%s",str1,str2); from = Find(str1); if( !hashtable[from].filled ) Insert(str1); from = hashtable[from].id; to = Find(str2); if( !hashtable[to].filled ) Insert(str2); to = hashtable[to].id; arc = FindArc(1,from); if(!arc) arc = InsertArc(1,from,0); arcs[arc].cost++; arc = FindArc(from,to); if(!arc) arc = InsertArc(from,to,0); arcs[arc].cost++; } scanf("%d",&k); for(i=0;i!=k;++i) { scanf("%s%s",str1,str2); from = Find(str1); if( !hashtable[from].filled ) Insert(str1); from = hashtable[from].id; to = Find(str2); if( !hashtable[to].filled ) Insert(str2); to = hashtable[to].id; arc = FindArc(from,to); if(!arc) InsertArc(from,to,INFINITY); } printf( "%d\n", m - MaxStream() ); //fclose(stdin); return 0; } Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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