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Memory: 240K Time: 0MS#include<cstdlib> #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int N; int n; char pn[65] = {'\0'}; char ans[65] = {'\0'}; long long y; unsigned long long x; cin >> N; for(int i = 0 ; i < N; i ++){ cin>>n>>pn>>y; x = y; if(y < 0){ //dealing with the x < 0 cases: convert to positive, and inverse the array pn[], 'n' -> 'p', 'p' -> 'n'. x = -x; //convert to positive, note the relation between unsigned and signed. for(int j = 0; j < n; j ++) //inverse the array pn[] if(pn[j] == 'n') pn[j] = 'p'; else pn[j] = 'n'; } for(int j = n - 1; j >= 0; j --){ if(x&1 == 1){ ans[j] = '1'; if (pn[j] == 'p') x = x - 1; else x = x + 1; x = x >> 1; } else{ ans[j] = '0'; x = x >> 1; } } if(x != 0) cout<<"Impossible\n"; else cout<<ans<<endl; memset(ans, '\0', sizeof(char)*65); } return 0; } //1.从低位到高位1比特1比特地看过来,这就不多说了,随便搜搜一箩筐~ //2.负数转换成整数,并且n和p和互相转换,即n转换为p,p转换为n。 //3.对于long long边界的情况,我先用long long y读进来,然后赋值给unsigned long long x。用y来判断正负,发现小于零就x = -x。这里需要想一想unsigned数和signed数存储数据的时候其实都是用补码表示的,做相反数操作的时候都是按位取反,末尾加一。因此即使y<0,y也可以赋值给x,x在按位取反末尾加一后也就成为了y的相反数,而且x能表示的非负数范围比y广。 long long int x = -3; unsigned long long int y = -x; //y=3. //4.提交时用C++编译。 Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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