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Dfs水题……Program poj2132;//By_Thispoet Const maxn=25; Type arr =array[0..310]of Integer; Var i,j,k,m,n,p :Longint; map :Array[1..maxn,1..maxn]of Longint; v :Array[1..maxn]of Boolean; prime :Array[1..2000]of Boolean; List,num,now :Array[0..310]of Integer; tmp :Array[1..2000,0..310]of Integer; ans :Int64; Function Min(i,j:Longint):Longint; begin if i<j then exit(i);exit(j); end; Function Max(i,j:Longint):Longint; begin if i>j then exit(i);exit(j); end; Procedure Prime_Prepare; begin fillchar(prime,sizeof(prime),1); fillchar(list,sizeof(list),0); for i:=2 to 2000 do if prime[i] then begin inc(list[0]); list[list[0]]:=i; m:=i*2; while m<=2000 do begin prime[m]:=false; inc(m,i); end; end; fillchar(tmp,sizeof(tmp),0); for j:=1 to 2000 do begin i:=j; for k:=1 to list[0] do begin if (i mod list[k]=0) then begin p:=0; repeat inc(p); i:=i div list[k]; until i mod list[k]<>0; tmp[j,k]:=p; end; if i=1 then break; end; end; end; Procedure Union(now:arr); var i:Longint; begin for i:=1 to list[0] do num[i]:=Max(num[i],now[i]); end; Procedure Insert_Gcd(i:Longint;var now:arr); var j,p:Longint; begin for j:=1 to list[0] do if now[j]<>-1 then now[j]:=Min(now[j],tmp[i,j]) else now[j]:=tmp[i,j]; end; Function Check(TNode:Arr):Boolean; var i:Longint; begin for i:=1 to list[0] do if TNode[i]>num[i] then exit(false); exit(true); end; Procedure Dfs(i:Longint;now:arr); var j:Longint; Tnode:arr; begin if i=2 then begin Union(now); exit; end; for j:=2 to n do if (not v[j])and(map[i,j]>0) then begin TNode:=now; Insert_Gcd(map[i,j],TNode); if check(TNode) then continue; v[j]:=true; Dfs(j,TNode); v[j]:=false; end; end; BEGIN Prime_prepare; readln(n); for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n do read(map[i,j]); v[1]:=true; fillchar(now,sizeof(now),255); Dfs(1,now); ans:=1; for i:=1 to list[0] do for j:=1 to num[i] do ans:=ans*list[i]; writeln(ans); END. Followed by:
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