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Re:用bfs700ms给ac了,感动ing。In Reply To:Re:用bfs700ms给ac了,感动ing。 Posted by:Master_Chivu at 2010-09-08 21:27:47 终于也用pascal bfs裸过 发个代码给后来人 172MS飘过 const js:array[1..9]of longint=(43046721,4782969,531441,59049,6561,729,81,9,1); hj:array[1..4]of char=('u','d','r','l'); type bt=array[1..9]of 0..8; var s:string; start,a:bt; i,l,n,z:integer; pd:array[0..9999991]of 0..1; function zh(x:bt):longint; var i:integer; begin zh:=0; for i:=1 to 9 do zh:=zh+x[i]*js[i]; end; procedure bfs; var a:array[1..200000]of bt; b:array[1..200000]of longint; c:array[1..200000]of 0..4; d:array[1..200000]of 0..9; x1,x2:bt; open,closed,zero,bj,i,p,n:longint; f:array[1..4]of integer; g:array[1..200000]of 0..4; procedure ins(x2:bt;ct,t:longint); var ttt:longint; begin ttt:=zh(x2)mod 9999991; if pd[ttt]=0 then begin pd[ttt]:=1; inc(closed); a[closed]:=x2; b[closed]:=open; c[closed]:=t; d[closed]:=ct; if ttt=4481041 then bj:=1; end; end; begin open:=0;closed:=1; a[1]:=start; b[1]:=0; c[1]:=0; d[1]:=z; bj:=0; pd[zh(start)mod 9999991]:=1; repeat inc(open); x1:=a[open]; zero:=d[open]; f[1]:=zero-3; f[3]:=zero+1; if(f[3]=4)or(f[3]=7)or(f[3]>9)then f[3]:=-1; f[2]:=zero+3; if f[2]>9 then f[2]:=-1; f[4]:=zero-1; if(f[4]=3)or(f[4]=6)or(f[4]<1)then f[4]:=-1; for i:=1 to 4 do if f[i]>0 then begin x2:=x1; p:=x2[f[i]]; x2[f[i]]:=x2[zero]; x2[zero]:=p; ins(x2,f[i],i); if bj=1 then break; end; if bj=1 then break; until(open>=closed)or(pd[4481041]=1); n:=0; while closed>0 do begin inc(n); g[n]:=c[closed]; closed:=b[closed]; end; dec(n); for i:=n downto 1 do write(hj[g[i]]);writeln; end; begin readln(s); l:=length(s); n:=0; for i:=1 to l do if s[i]in['0'..'8']then begin inc(n); start[n]:=ord(s[i])-48; end else if s[i]='x'then begin inc(n); start[n]:=0; z:=n; end; bfs; end. Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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