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不会构造,于是直接状压DP打表。附代码及解题报告。状态的表示:状态只与前两行的宝石有关。最朴素的表示就4^(2n)次方的了,暴力转移的话,n=7转移一行 大约需要4^14*4^7次,严重不可接受。 但我们发现,很多状态表示是无用的。例如当前行某一列是diamond,但diamond根本不关心前一行这一 列的值,为何需要用4个状态表示它?于是优化每一格状态表示到10种:(a-b表示某列当前行是a,上一 行是b) 0=ruby-emerald 1=ruby-sapphire 2=ruby-diamond 3=ruby-other 4=emerald-sapphire 5=emerald-diamond 6=emerald-other 7=sapphire-diamond 8=sapphire-other 9=diamond-other 这样状态最多只有10^7种了。这样代码跑个一两天也是可以跑完的。但我们还可以优化。 我们发现很多状态根本不能用,例如如果有这种情况 ?R? RRE 这个状态中,下一行第二列无论怎么填都不能满足ruby的要求,完全可以舍弃。这个过程可以在10^7*7 时间内完成。我们发现这时n=7时状态只有不到200万种了(还是20万?记不清了)。 然后,转移也可以优化。例如这个状态 ?R? SRE 这个状态中,第二列只能填diamond。于是可以先把那些列可以填那些处理出来,可以极大地加快运行速 度。我试验了一下,这时n=7时每一行只要转移不到6亿次。这样代码就可以在一个小时左右把表打完了。 打表用代码: var a,b,cc:array[0..11] of longint; s:array[0..11] of set of byte; dt:array[0..11,0..11] of longint; d:array[0..10000000] of longint; ok:array[0..10000000] of longint; dp:array[1..7,0..2000000] of longint; function checkinit(n,x1:longint):boolean; var i:longint; begin for i:=1 to n do begin a[i]:=x1 mod 10; x1:=x1 div 10; if not (a[i] in [3,6,8,9]) then exit(false); end; exit(true); end; function checkvl(n,x1:longint):longint; var i,res:longint; begin res:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin a[i]:=x1 mod 10; x1:=x1 div 10; if a[i] in [0,1,2,3] then inc(res); end; exit(res); end; function check(n,x1:longint):boolean; var i,x,y:longint; begin for i:=1 to n do begin a[i]:=x1 mod 10; x1:=x1 div 10; end; case a[1] of 0: if a[2] in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] then exit(false); 1: if a[2] in [0,1,2,3,7,8] then exit(false); 2: if a[2] in [0,1,2,3,9] then exit(false); 3: exit(false); 6: if a[2] in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] then exit(false); end; case a[n] of 0: if a[n-1] in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] then exit(false); 1: if a[n-1] in [0,1,2,3,7,8] then exit(false); 2: if a[n-1] in [0,1,2,3,9] then exit(false); 3: exit(false); 6: if a[n-1] in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] then exit(false); end; for i:=2 to n-1 do case a[i] of 0: begin if a[i-1] in [7,8,9] then continue; if a[i+1] in [7,8,9] then continue; exit(false); end; 1: begin if a[i-1] in [4,5,6,9] then continue; if a[i+1] in [4,5,6,9] then continue; exit(false); end; 2: begin if a[i-1] in [4,5,6,7,8] then continue; if a[i+1] in [4,5,6,7,8] then continue; exit(false); end; 3: begin if a[i-1] in [0,1,2,3] then exit(false); if a[i+1] in [0,1,2,3] then exit(false); if a[i-1] in [4,5,6] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [7,8] then x:=3; if a[i-1]=9 then x:=4; if a[i+1] in [4,5,6] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [7,8] then y:=3; if a[i+1]=9 then y:=4; if x=y then exit(false); end; 6: begin if a[i-1] in [7,8,9] then continue; if a[i+1] in [7,8,9] then continue; exit(false); end; end; exit(true); end; procedure expand(n,x1,next:longint); var i,x,y,j,cur,xw:longint; begin xw:=x1; for i:=1 to n do begin a[i]:=x1 mod 10; x1:=x1 div 10; end; case a[1] of 0: if a[2] in [7,8] then s[1]:=[9] else s[1]:=[8]; 1: if a[2] in [4,5,6] then s[1]:=[9] else s[1]:=[6]; 2: if a[2] in [4,5,6] then s[1]:=[8] else s[1]:=[6]; 4: if a[2] in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] then s[1]:=[9] else s[1]:=[0,6,8,9]; 5: if a[2] in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,9] then s[1]:=[8] else s[1]:=[0,6,8,9]; 6: if a[2] in [7,8] then s[1]:=[9] else s[1]:=[8]; 7: s[1]:=[1,4,8,9]; 8: if a[2] in [9] then s[1]:=[1,4,8,9] else s[1]:=[9]; 9: s[1]:=[2,5,7,9]; end; case a[n] of 0: if a[n-1] in [7,8] then s[n]:=[9] else s[n]:=[8]; 1: if a[n-1] in [4,5,6] then s[n]:=[9] else s[n]:=[6]; 2: if a[n-1] in [4,5,6] then s[n]:=[8] else s[n]:=[6]; 4: if a[n-1] in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] then s[n]:=[9] else s[n]:=[0,6,8,9]; 5: if a[n-1] in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,9] then s[n]:=[8] else s[n]:=[0,6,8,9]; 6: if a[n-1] in [7,8] then s[n]:=[9] else s[n]:=[8]; 7: s[n]:=[1,4,8,9]; 8: if a[n-1] in [9] then s[n]:=[1,4,8,9] else s[n]:=[9]; 9: s[n]:=[2,5,7,9]; end; for i:=2 to n-1 do case a[i] of 0: begin if a[i-1] in [0,1,2,3] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [4,5,6] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [7,8] then x:=3; if a[i-1] in [9] then x:=4; if a[i+1] in [0,1,2,3] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [4,5,6] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [7,8] then y:=3; if a[i+1] in [9] then y:=4; if (x+y=7) then s[i]:=[3,6,8,9] else if (x=3)or(y=3) then s[i]:=[9] else s[i]:=[8]; end; 1: begin if a[i-1] in [0,1,2,3] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [4,5,6] then x:=3; if a[i-1] in [7,8] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [9] then x:=4; if a[i+1] in [0,1,2,3] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [4,5,6] then y:=3; if a[i+1] in [7,8] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [9] then y:=4; if (x+y=7) then s[i]:=[3,6,8,9] else if (x=3)or(y=3) then s[i]:=[9] else s[i]:=[6]; end; 2: begin if a[i-1] in [0,1,2,3] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [4,5,6] then x:=3; if a[i-1] in [7,8] then x:=4; if a[i-1] in [9] then x:=2; if a[i+1] in [0,1,2,3] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [4,5,6] then y:=3; if a[i+1] in [7,8] then y:=4; if a[i+1] in [9] then y:=2; if (x+y=7) then s[i]:=[3,6,8,9] else if (x=3)or(y=3) then s[i]:=[8] else s[i]:=[6]; end; 3: begin if a[i-1] in [4,5,6] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [7,8] then x:=3; if a[i-1] in [9] then x:=4; if a[i+1] in [4,5,6] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [7,8] then y:=3; if a[i+1] in [9] then y:=4; x:=9-x-y; if x=2 then s[i]:=[6]; if x=3 then s[i]:=[8]; if x=4 then s[i]:=[9]; end; 4: begin x:=0; if a[i-1] in [9] then x:=2; if a[i+1] in [9] then x:=2; if x=2 then s[i]:=[0,6,8,9] else s[i]:=[9]; end; 5: begin x:=0; if a[i-1] in [7,8] then x:=2; if a[i+1] in [7,8] then x:=2; if x=2 then s[i]:=[0,6,8,9] else s[i]:=[8]; end; 6: begin if a[i-1] in [0,1,2,3] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [4,5,6] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [7,8] then x:=3; if a[i-1] in [9] then x:=4; if a[i+1] in [0,1,2,3] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [4,5,6] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [7,8] then y:=3; if a[i+1] in [9] then y:=4; if (x+y=7) then s[i]:=[0,6,8,9] else if (x=3)or(y=3) then s[i]:=[9] else s[i]:=[8]; end; 7: s[i]:=[1,4,8,9]; 8: begin x:=0; if a[i-1] in [9] then x:=2; if a[i+1] in [9] then x:=2; if x=2 then s[i]:=[1,4,8,9] else s[i]:=[9]; end; 9: s[i]:=[2,5,7,9]; end; fillchar(cc,sizeof(cc),0); for i:=1 to n do for j:=0 to 9 do if j in s[i] then begin inc(cc[i]); dt[i,cc[i]]:=j; end; for i:=1 to n do b[i]:=1; b[0]:=0; while b[0]=0 do begin cur:=0; for i:=n downto 1 do cur:=cur*10+dt[i,b[i]]; if ok[cur]<>0 then if dp[next-1,ok[xw]]+checkvl(n,cur)>dp[next,ok[cur]] then dp[next,ok[cur]]:=dp[next-1,ok[xw]]+checkvl(n,cur); j:=n; while (j>0)and(b[j]=cc[j]) do begin b[j]:=1; dec(j); end; inc(b[j]); end; end; function checklastok(n,x1:longint):boolean; var i,x,y,j,cur,xw:longint; begin xw:=x1; for i:=1 to n do begin a[i]:=x1 mod 10; x1:=x1 div 10; end; case a[1] of 0: if a[2] in [7,8] then s[1]:=[9] else s[1]:=[8]; 1: if a[2] in [4,5,6] then s[1]:=[9] else s[1]:=[6]; 2: if a[2] in [4,5,6] then s[1]:=[8] else s[1]:=[6]; 4: if a[2] in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] then s[1]:=[9] else s[1]:=[0,6,8,9]; 5: if a[2] in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,9] then s[1]:=[8] else s[1]:=[0,6,8,9]; 6: if a[2] in [7,8] then s[1]:=[9] else s[1]:=[8]; 7: s[1]:=[1,4,8,9]; 8: if a[2] in [9] then s[1]:=[1,4,8,9] else s[1]:=[9]; 9: s[1]:=[2,5,7,9]; end; case a[n] of 0: if a[n-1] in [7,8] then s[n]:=[9] else s[n]:=[8]; 1: if a[n-1] in [4,5,6] then s[n]:=[9] else s[n]:=[6]; 2: if a[n-1] in [4,5,6] then s[n]:=[8] else s[n]:=[6]; 4: if a[n-1] in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] then s[n]:=[9] else s[n]:=[0,6,8,9]; 5: if a[n-1] in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,9] then s[n]:=[8] else s[n]:=[0,6,8,9]; 6: if a[n-1] in [7,8] then s[n]:=[9] else s[n]:=[8]; 7: s[n]:=[1,4,8,9]; 8: if a[n-1] in [9] then s[n]:=[1,4,8,9] else s[n]:=[9]; 9: s[n]:=[2,5,7,9]; end; for i:=2 to n-1 do case a[i] of 0: begin if a[i-1] in [0,1,2,3] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [4,5,6] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [7,8] then x:=3; if a[i-1] in [9] then x:=4; if a[i+1] in [0,1,2,3] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [4,5,6] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [7,8] then y:=3; if a[i+1] in [9] then y:=4; if (x+y=7) then s[i]:=[3,6,8,9] else if (x=3)or(y=3) then s[i]:=[9] else s[i]:=[8]; end; 1: begin if a[i-1] in [0,1,2,3] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [4,5,6] then x:=3; if a[i-1] in [7,8] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [9] then x:=4; if a[i+1] in [0,1,2,3] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [4,5,6] then y:=3; if a[i+1] in [7,8] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [9] then y:=4; if (x+y=7) then s[i]:=[3,6,8,9] else if (x=3)or(y=3) then s[i]:=[9] else s[i]:=[6]; end; 2: begin if a[i-1] in [0,1,2,3] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [4,5,6] then x:=3; if a[i-1] in [7,8] then x:=4; if a[i-1] in [9] then x:=2; if a[i+1] in [0,1,2,3] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [4,5,6] then y:=3; if a[i+1] in [7,8] then y:=4; if a[i+1] in [9] then y:=2; if (x+y=7) then s[i]:=[3,6,8,9] else if (x=3)or(y=3) then s[i]:=[8] else s[i]:=[6]; end; 3: begin if a[i-1] in [4,5,6] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [7,8] then x:=3; if a[i-1] in [9] then x:=4; if a[i+1] in [4,5,6] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [7,8] then y:=3; if a[i+1] in [9] then y:=4; x:=9-x-y; if x=2 then s[i]:=[6]; if x=3 then s[i]:=[8]; if x=4 then s[i]:=[9]; end; 4: begin x:=0; if a[i-1] in [9] then x:=2; if a[i+1] in [9] then x:=2; if x=2 then s[i]:=[0,6,8,9] else s[i]:=[9]; end; 5: begin x:=0; if a[i-1] in [7,8] then x:=2; if a[i+1] in [7,8] then x:=2; if x=2 then s[i]:=[0,6,8,9] else s[i]:=[8]; end; 6: begin if a[i-1] in [0,1,2,3] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [4,5,6] then x:=2; if a[i-1] in [7,8] then x:=3; if a[i-1] in [9] then x:=4; if a[i+1] in [0,1,2,3] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [4,5,6] then y:=2; if a[i+1] in [7,8] then y:=3; if a[i+1] in [9] then y:=4; if (x+y=7) then s[i]:=[0,6,8,9] else if (x=3)or(y=3) then s[i]:=[9] else s[i]:=[8]; end; 7: s[i]:=[1,4,8,9]; 8: begin x:=0; if a[i-1] in [9] then x:=2; if a[i+1] in [9] then x:=2; if x=2 then s[i]:=[1,4,8,9] else s[i]:=[9]; end; 9: s[i]:=[2,5,7,9]; end; fillchar(cc,sizeof(cc),0); for i:=1 to n do for j:=0 to 9 do if j in s[i] then begin inc(cc[i]); dt[i,cc[i]]:=j; end; for i:=1 to n do if cc[i]<>4 then exit(false); exit(true); end; procedure solve(n:longint); var all,i,j,count,ans:longint; begin //0=ruby-emerald 1=ruby-sapphire 2=ruby-diamond 3=ruby-other //4=emerald-sapphire 5=emerald-diamond 6=emerald-other //7=sapphire-diamond 8=sapphire-other //9=diamond-other all:=1; for i:=1 to n do all:=all*10; dec(all); fillchar(ok,sizeof(ok),0); count:=0; for i:=0 to all do if check(n,i) then begin inc(count); d[count]:=i; ok[i]:=count; end; for i:=1 to 7 do for j:=1 to count do dp[i,j]:=-maxlongint; for j:=1 to count do if checkinit(n,d[j]) then dp[1,j]:=checkvl(n,d[j]); for i:=2 to 7 do for j:=1 to count do if dp[i-1,j]<>-maxlongint then expand(n,d[j],i); for i:=2 to 7 do begin ans:=-maxlongint; for j:=1 to count do if checklastok(n,d[j]) then if dp[i,j]>ans then ans:=dp[i,j]; write(ans,' '); end; writeln; end; var i:longint; begin assign(output,'3861.out'); rewrite(output); for i:=2 to 7 do solve(i); close(output); end. 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