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代码3600b...及其混乱,张贴示众听着庐州月... 自己都不知道怎么写成这样的,还一A了. type rec=record c,l:integer; end; var col:array[0..25,0..25]of integer; p:array[0..25]of rec; s:string; a,b,i,j,k,n:longint; op1,op2:string; procedure renew; begin fillchar(col,sizeof(col),0); end; procedure monto(a,b:longint); var i,tmp:integer; begin if (a=b)or(p[a].c=p[b].c) then exit; for i:=p[a].l+1 to col[p[a].c,0] do begin tmp:=col[p[a].c,i]; dec(col[p[a].c,0]); inc(col[tmp,0]); col[tmp,col[tmp,0]]:=tmp; p[tmp].c:=tmp;p[tmp].l:=col[tmp,0]; end; for i:=p[b].l+1 to col[p[b].c,0] do begin tmp:=col[p[b].c,i]; dec(col[p[b].c,0]); inc(col[tmp,0]); col[tmp,col[tmp,0]]:=tmp; p[tmp].c:=tmp;p[tmp].l:=col[tmp,0]; end; inc(col[p[b].c,0]); col[p[b].c,col[p[b].c,0]]:=a; dec(col[p[a].c,0]); p[a].c:=p[b].c; p[a].l:=p[b].l+1; end; procedure mover(a,b:longint); var i,tmp:integer; begin if (a=b)or(p[a].c=p[b].c) then exit; for i:=p[a].l+1 to col[p[a].c,0] do begin tmp:=col[p[a].c,i]; dec(col[p[a].c,0]); inc(col[tmp,0]); col[tmp,col[tmp,0]]:=tmp; p[tmp].c:=tmp;p[tmp].l:=col[tmp,0]; end; inc(col[p[b].c,0]); col[p[b].c,col[p[b].c,0]]:=a; dec(col[p[a].c,0]); p[a].c:=p[b].c; p[a].l:=col[p[b].c,0]; end; procedure ponto(a,b:longint); var i,tmp,de,ac,al:integer; begin if (a=b)or(p[a].c=p[b].c) then exit; de:=0; for i:=p[b].l+1 to col[p[b].c,0] do begin tmp:=col[p[b].c,i]; dec(col[p[b].c,0]); inc(col[tmp,0]); col[tmp,col[tmp,0]]:=tmp; p[tmp].c:=tmp;p[tmp].l:=col[tmp,0]; end; ac:=p[a].c;al:=p[a].l; for i:=al to col[ac,0] do begin tmp:=col[ac,i]; inc(de); inc(col[p[b].c,0]); col[p[b].c,col[p[b].c,0]]:=tmp; p[tmp].c:=p[b].c;p[tmp].l:=col[p[b].c,0]; end; dec(col[ac,0],de); end; procedure pover(a,b:longint); var i,tmp,de,ac,al:integer; begin if (a=b)or(p[a].c=p[b].c) then exit; de:=0; ac:=p[a].c; al:=p[a].l; for i:=al to col[ac,0] do begin tmp:=col[ac,i]; inc(de); inc(col[p[b].c,0]); col[p[b].c,col[p[b].c,0]]:=tmp; p[tmp].c:=p[b].c;p[tmp].l:=col[p[b].c,0]; end; dec(col[ac,0],de); end; procedure init_dawn; var tmp:string; tp,i:integer; begin readln(n); for i:=0 to n-1 do begin inc(col[i,0]);col[i,1]:=i; p[i].c:=i;p[i].l:=1; end; repeat readln(s); if s='quit' then break; op1:=copy(s,1,4); delete(s,1,5); tp:=pos(' ',s); val(copy(s,1,tp-1),a); delete(s,1,tp); op2:=copy(s,1,4); delete(s,1,5); val(s,b); if op1='move' then if op2='onto' then monto(a,b) else if op2='over' then mover(a,b); if op1='pile' then if op2='onto' then ponto(a,b) else if op2='over' then pover(a,b); until s='quit'; end; procedure print; var i,j:longint; begin for i:=0 to n-1 do begin write(i,': '); for j:=1 to col[i,0] do write(col[i,j],' '); writeln; end; end; begin //assign(input,'1.txt'); //assign(output,'2.txt'); //reset(input);rewrite(output); repeat renew; init_dawn; print; until seekeof; //close(input);close(output); end. Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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