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ioi的题 就是恶心不会证明取值和这个哈希的正确性 就手工算了算8种变化的情况 program dsqwwe; type tt=array[0..100,0..100] of longint; ttt=record x,y:longint; end; var map,map1,a:tt; b:array[1..50] of tt; v:array[0..100,0..100] of boolean; n,m,i,j,ii,jj,st1,st2,ed1,ed2,t,sum,closed,open:longint; s:string; d:array[1..10000] of ttt; function pd(a,b:tt):boolean; var i,j:longint; begin for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to m do if a[i,j]<>b[i,j] then exit(false); exit(true); end; procedure find(h,l:longint); const dx:array[1..8] of longint=(1,-1,0,0,1,1,-1,-1); dy:array[1..8] of longint=(0,0,-1,1,1,-1,1,-1); var x,y,xx,yy,i:longint; begin fillchar(d,sizeof(d),0); closed:=1; open:=1; d[1].x:=h; d[1].y:=l; st1:=h; st2:=l; ed1:=h; ed2:=l; v[h,l]:=true; while closed<=open do begin x:=d[closed].x; y:=d[closed].y; for i:=1 to 8 do begin xx:=x+dx[i]; yy:=y+dy[i]; if (not v[xx,yy]) and (xx>0) and (xx<=n) and (yy>0) and (yy<=m) and (a[xx,yy]<>0) then begin inc(open); d[open].x:=xx; d[open].y:=yy; v[xx,yy]:=true; if xx<st1 then st1:=xx; if xx>ed1 then ed1:=xx; if yy<st2 then st2:=yy; if yy>ed2 then ed2:=yy; end; end; inc(closed); end; for i:=1 to open do map[d[i].x-(st1-1),d[i].y-(st2-1)]:=1; end; function findd:longint; var nn,mm,i,j:longint; begin nn:=ed1-st1+1; mm:=ed2-st2+1; ///1///////// for i:=1 to sum do if pd(map,b[i]) then exit(i); ///2//////////// fillchar(map1,sizeof(map1),0); for i:=1 to nn do for j:=1 to mm do map1[j,nn-i+1]:=map[i,j]; for i:=1 to sum do if pd(map1,b[i]) then exit(i); ///3//////////// fillchar(map1,sizeof(map1),0); for i:=1 to nn do for j:=1 to mm do map1[nn-i+1,mm-j+1]:=map[i,j]; for i:=1 to sum do if pd(map1,b[i]) then exit(i); ///4/////////////// fillchar(map1,sizeof(map1),0); for i:=1 to nn do for j:=1 to mm do map1[mm-j+1,i]:=map[i,j]; for i:=1 to sum do if pd(map1,b[i]) then exit(i); ///5///////////////// fillchar(map1,sizeof(map1),0); for i:=1 to nn do for j:=1 to mm do map1[nn-i+1,j]:=map[i,j]; for i:=1 to sum do if pd(map1,b[i]) then exit(i); ///6////////////////// fillchar(map1,sizeof(map1),0); for i:=1 to nn do for j:=1 to mm do map1[j,i]:=map[i,j]; for i:=1 to sum do if pd(map1,b[i]) then exit(i); ///7/////////////////// fillchar(map1,sizeof(map1),0); for i:=1 to nn do for j:=1 to mm do map1[i,mm-j+1]:=map[i,j]; for i:=1 to sum do if pd(map1,b[i]) then exit(i); ///8/////////////////////// fillchar(map1,sizeof(map1),0); for i:=1 to nn do for j:=1 to mm do map1[mm-j+1,nn-i+1]:=map[i,j]; for i:=1 to sum do if pd(map1,b[i]) then exit(i); //////// inc(sum); b[sum]:=map; exit(sum); end; begin assign(input,'pku1175.in'); reset(input); assign(output,'pku1175.out'); rewrite(output); readln(m); readln(n); for i:=1 to n do begin readln(s); for j:=1 to m do a[i,j]:=ord(s[j])-ord('0'); end; for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to m do if (a[i,j]<>0) and (v[i,j]=false) then begin fillchar(map,sizeof(map),0); find(i,j); t:=findd; for ii:=1 to open do a[d[ii].x,d[ii].y]:=t; end; for i:=1 to n do begin for j:=1 to m do if a[i,j]=0 then write(0) else write(chr(a[i,j]+ord('a')-1)); writeln; end; close(input); close(output); end. Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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