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有没有用Pascal的,帮我看一下线段树哪里写错了,谢谢Program Segment_Tree; Type St_Tree = ^Tree; Tree = Record Max, Min: LongInt; Left, Right: St_Tree; LeftN, RightN: LongInt; End; Var a: Array[0..200005]Of LongInt; Root: St_Tree; N, Q: LongInt; MaxN, MinN: LongInt; Function FMin(x, y: LongInt): LongInt; Begin If x < y Then FMin := x Else FMin := y; End; Function FMax(x, y: LongInt): LongInt; Begin If x > y Then FMax := x Else FMax := y; End; Procedure Build_Tree(Now: St_Tree; L, r: LongInt);Var k: LongInt; Begin Now^.LeftN := L; Now^.RightN := r; If (r - L) > 1 Then Begin k := (r + L)Div 2; New(Now^.Left); Build_Tree(Now^.Left, L, k); New(Now^.Right); Build_Tree(Now^.Right, k, r); Now^.Max := FMax(Now^.Left^.Max, Now^.Right^.Max); Now^.Min := FMin(Now^.Left^.Min, Now^.Right^.Min); End Else Begin Now^.Max := FMax(a[L], a[r]); Now^.Min := FMin(a[L], a[r]); End; End; Procedure Find(Now: St_Tree; L, r: LongInt);Var LN, rN, k: LongInt; Begin LN := Now^.LeftN; rN := Now^.RightN; k := (LN + rN) Div 2; If (L = LN)And(r = rN) Then Begin MaxN := FMax(MaxN, Now^.Max); MinN := FMin(MinN, Now^.Min); Exit; End; If L >= k Then Find(Now^.Right, L, r) Else If r <= k Then Find(Now^.Left, L, r) Else Begin Find(Now^.Left, L, k); Find(Now^.Right, k, r); End; End; Procedure Init;Var i: LongInt; Begin FillChar(a, SizeOf(a), 0); ReadLn(N, Q); For i := 1 To N Do ReadLn(a[i]); End; Procedure Main; Begin New(Root); Build_Tree(Root, 1, N); End; Procedure Print;Var i, L, r: LongInt; Begin For i := 1 To Q Do Begin ReadLn(L, r); MaxN := 0; MinN := MaxInt; If L < r Then Begin Find(Root, L, r); WriteLn(MaxN - MinN); End Else WriteLn(0); End; End; Begin Init; Main; Print; End. Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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