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没写完的代码中转用,不要动,也请不要评论: /* * POJ 1077 EIGHT * Author:wzy[linusc] * Last Edit 9:32pm,30 April,2010 * */ #include <iostream> #include <map> #define MAX_Q_SIZE 800000 #define FR 0 #define BK 1 using namespace std; const int Ex_Addr[4][9]={{1,2,2,4,5,5,7,8,8},//R {0,0,1,3,3,4,6,6,7},//L {3,4,5,6,7,8,6,7,8},//D {0,1,2,0,1,2,3,4,5}}; //U S_Buff[2]={1,-1}; typedef char puz[9];//Attention that it could not be read by "%s",or "cin >>x" typedef int MNode[2];//0-Pre;1-Data puz St,Gl={'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','0'}; map<MNode,int> HashMap; class TQ { public: TQ() { f=r=0; } clear() { f=r=0; } EQ(int Xd,int Xs) { DT[r][0]=Xd; DT[r][1]=Xs; r=(r+1)%MAX_Q_SIZE; } DQ(int &Xd,int &Xs) { Xd=DT[f][0]; Xs=DT[f][1]; f=(f+1)%MAX_Q_SIZE; } int f,r; private: int DT[MAX_Q_SIZE][2]; //0-data[hashed];1-step }Q[2]; #define PUS(S,Xd,Xs) ({Q[S].EQ(Xd,Xs);HashMap[Xd]=Xs*S_Buff[S];}) #define EMP(S) (Q[S].f==Q[S].r) int BD_BFS(); int main() { char Decod; for (int i=0;i<=8;++i) { cin >>St[i]; cin >>Decod; if (St[i]=='x') St[i]='0'; } cout <<BD_BFS()<<endl; } inline int EnCode(const puz &x) { int ans=x[0]-'0'; for (int i=1;i<=8;++i) { ans*=10; ans+=x[i]-'0'; } return ans; }/*C*/ inline void DeCode(int Cd,puz& Xe) { int Ti=Cd,Ir; for (Ir=8;Ir>=0;--Ir) { Xe[Ir]=Ti%10+'0'; Ti=Ti/10; } }/*C*/ int expand(int sign) { #define SWAP(A,B) ({T=Tm[A];Tm[A]=Tm[B];Tm[B]=T;}) int Dr,Se,XLoc;char T;puz Dt,Tm; Q[sign].DQ(Dr,Se); DeCode(Dr,Dt); for (XLoc=0;XLoc<=8;++XLoc) if (Dt[XLoc]=='0') break; for (int dir=0;dir<=3;++dir) { Tm=Dt;SWAP(Tm[Ex_Addr[dir][XLoc]],XLoc); HashMap.find( } } int BD_BFS() { int fr=EnCode(St),bk=EnCode(Gl); //[Init] HashMap.clear(); PUS(FR,fr); PUS(BK,bk); //[/Init] do { if (!EMP(FR)) expa } while (!EMP(BK) || !(EMP(FR))); } Followed by:
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