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why WA ?

Posted by syh791180600 at 2010-04-22 14:59:18 on Problem 2555
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#define CW 4.19
#define CI  2.09 
#define em 335
using namespace std ;
int main()
	float mw = 0 , mi = 0 ;
	float tw = 0 , ti = 0 ;							  
	float t_finnal = 0 ;
	while (cin >> mw >> mi >> tw >> ti)
		if (mw == 0 && mi == 0 && tw == 0 && ti == 0)
			break ;
			if (ti < 0)
				if ((mw * tw * CW) >= (mi * (- ti) * CI + mi * em))
					t_finnal = (mw * CW * tw - mi * em + mi * CI * ti) / (mi  * CW + mw * CW ) ;
					cout << "0.0 g of ice and " <<fixed << setprecision(1) << mw + mi <<" g of water at " <<
						fixed << setprecision(1) << t_finnal << " C" << endl ; 
				else if ((mw * tw * CW) < (mi * (- ti) * CI + mi * em))
					if (mw * CW * tw >= mi * (- ti) * CI)
						cout << fixed << setprecision(1) << mi - ((mw * CW * tw + mi * ti * CI) / em)
							<<" g of ice and " <<fixed << setprecision(1) <<mw + ((mw * CW * tw + mi * ti * CI) / em) 
							<< " g of water at 0.0 C" << endl ;
					else if (mw * CW * tw < mi * (- ti) * CI)
						t_finnal = (mw * CW * tw + mw * em + mi * CI * ti) / (mi * CI + mw * CI) ;
						cout << fixed <<setprecision(1) << mi + mw << " g of ice and " << "0.0 g of water at " 
							<< fixed << setprecision(1) << t_finnal << " C" << endl ;
			else if (ti == 0)
				if (mw * CW * tw >= mi * em)
					t_finnal = (mi * CW * tw - mi *em) / (mw * CW + mi * CW) ;
					cout << "0.0 g of ice and "	<< fixed << setprecision(1) << mi + mw 
						<< " g of water at " <<setprecision(1) <<t_finnal << " C" << endl ;
					cout << fixed << setprecision(1) << mi - (mw * CW * tw ) / em 
						<< " g of ice and " << setprecision(1) << mw + (mw * CW * tw ) / em 
						<< " g of water at 0.0 C" << endl ;
	return 0 ;

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