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哪未大牛有测试数据啊,怎么我的老是wa!1type auu=record l,r,g:longint; end; var f:array[1..200000] of longint; s:array[1..2000000] of auu; i,j,n,t,d,ans,c,i1:longint; a1,a2:array[1..100000] of longint; check:array[1..100000] of boolean; procedure paixu(l,r:longint); var i,j,t,li,lj:longint; begin i:=l; j:=r; t:=(i+j)div 2; repeat while (a1[i]<=a1[t]) and (i<t) do inc(i); while (a1[j]>=a1[t]) and (j>t) do dec(j); li:=a2[i]; lj:=a2[j]; d:=a1[i]; a1[i]:=a1[j]; a1[j]:=d; f[li]:=j; f[lj]:=i; a2[i]:=lj; a2[j]:=li; if i=t then t:=j else if t=j then t:=i; until i=j; if i-1>l then paixu(l,i-1); if j+1<r then paixu(i+1,r); end; procedure lishanhua; var i,sc,lin:longint; begin sc:=a1[i]; a1[i]:=1; for i:=2 to n*2 do begin if a1[i]=sc then a1[i]:=a1[i-1] else begin lin:=a1[i]; if a1[i]-sc=1 then a1[i]:=a1[i-1]+1 else a1[i]:=a1[i-1]+2; sc:=lin; end; end; end; procedure chuli(se,l,r,v:longint); var i,j,mid:longint; begin if s[v].g<>0 then exit; mid:=(s[v].l+s[v].r) div 2; if (s[v].l=l) and (s[v].r=r) then begin s[v].g:=se; exit; end; if (r<=mid) then begin chuli(se,l,r,v*2); if (s[v*2].g<>0) and (s[v*2+1].g<>0) then s[v].g:=-1; exit; end; if (l>mid) then begin chuli(se,l,r,v*2+1); if (s[v*2].g<>0) and (s[v*2+1].g<>0) then s[v].g:=-1; exit; end; chuli(se,l,mid,v*2); chuli(se,mid+1,r,v*2+1); if (s[v*2].g<>0) and (s[v*2+1].g<>0) then s[v].g:=-1; end; procedure jianshu(v,l,r:longint); begin s[v].l:=l; s[v].r:=r; if l=r then exit; jianshu(v*2,l,(l+r)div 2); jianshu(v*2+1,(l+r)div 2+1,r); end; procedure shaomiao(v:longint); begin if (s[v].g<>0) and (s[v].g<>-1) then begin if check[s[v].g]=false then inc(ans); check[s[v].g]:=true; if s[v].l=s[v].r then exit; shaomiao(v*2); shaomiao(v*2+1); exit; end; if s[v].l=s[v].r then exit; if (s[v].g=0) or (s[v].g=-1) then begin shaomiao(v*2); shaomiao(v*2+1); end; end; begin readln(c); for i1:=1 to c do begin ans:=0; fillchar(s,sizeof(s),0); fillchar(check,sizeof(check),false); readln(n); for i:=1 to n do begin readln(a1[i*2-1],a1[i*2]); a2[i*2-1]:=i; a2[2*i]:=i+n; f[i]:=i*2-1; f[i+n]:=i*2; end; paixu(1,n*2); lishanhua; jianshu(1,1,a1[n*2]); for i:=n downto 1 do begin chuli(i,a1[f[i]],a1[f[i+n]],1); end; shaomiao(1); writeln(ans); end; end. Followed by:
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