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哪错了?这道题要把我弄疯了,我的程序过了所有我看见的数据,但还是WA,下面是我的代码,哪位大牛帮看一下,我的邮箱是756598772@qq.com,也可以在下面回复,万分感谢! program wjy; var n,i,num,tail,mo,wei,j,k:longint; s:char; f:array[0..10000000]of integer; ans:array[0..100000]of longint; function ys(a:char):integer; begin if (ord(a)>=ord('0')) and (ord(a)<=ord('9')) then exit(ord(a)-ord('0')); case a of 'A','B','C':exit(2); 'D','E','F':exit(3); 'G','H','I':exit(4); 'J','K','L':exit(5); 'M','N','O':exit(6); 'P','S','R':exit(7); 'T','U','V':exit(8); else exit(9); end; end; procedure qksort(p,q:longint); var a,b,com,mid:longint; begin com:=ans[(p+q) div 2]; a:=p;b:=q; repeat while ans[a]<com do inc(a); while ans[b]>com do dec(b); if a<b then begin mid:=ans[a];ans[a]:=ans[b];ans[b]:=mid; end; inc(a);dec(b); until a>b; if a<q then qksort(a,q); if b>p then qksort(p,b); end; begin readln(n); tail:=0; fillchar(f,sizeof(f),0); fillchar(ans,sizeof(ans),127); for i:=1 to n do begin num:=0; while not eoln do begin read(s); if (s<>'-') then begin num:=10*num+ys(s); end; end; readln; inc(f[num]); if f[num]=2 then begin inc(tail); ans[tail]:=num; end; end; qksort(1,tail); if tail=0 then writeln('No duplicates.') else begin for i:=1 to tail do begin wei:=1;mo:=1000000; num:=ans[i]; while wei<=3 do begin inc(wei); write(num div mo); num:=num-(num div mo)*mo; mo:=mo div 10; end; write('-'); while wei<=7 do begin inc(wei); write(num div mo); num:=num-num div mo*mo; mo:=mo div 10; end; writeln(' ',f[ans[i]]); end; end; end. Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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