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咋错了捏?NOIP2008的数据都过了啊。附上我的程序产生的擎天一柱图5 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 8 8 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 9 9 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ..........................+---+---+........................ ........................./ / /|-+...................... ........................+---+---+ |/|...................... ........................| | | + |...................... ........................| | |/| +...................... ........................+---+---+ |/|...................... ........................| | | + |...................... ........................| | |/| +...................... ........................+---+---+ |/|...................... ........................| | | + |...................... ........................| | |/| +...................... ........................+---+---+ |/|...................... ........................| | | + |...................... ........................| | |/| +...................... ........................+---+---+ |/|...................... ........................| | | + |...................... ........................| | |/| +...................... ........................+---+---+ |/|...................... ..............+---+.....| | | + |.....+---+............ ............+/ /|-+---| | |/| +...+/ /|-+---+...... ..........+/+---+ |/ /+---+---+ |/|-+/+---+ |/ /|-+---+ ........./+-| | +---+ | | | + |/+-| | +---+ |/ /| ........+/ | |/ /| | | |/| +/ | |/ /| +---+ | ......./+---+---+---+ |/+---+---+ |/+---+---+---+ |/ /| + ......+/ / / /| +-| | | +/ / / /| +---+ |/. ...../+---+---+---+ |/ | | |/+---+---+---+ |/ /| +.. ....+-| | | | +---+---+---+-| | | | +---+ |/... .../ | | | |/ / / / | | | |/ /| +.... ..+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ |/..... ./ / / / / / / / / / / / /| +...... +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ |/....... | | | | | | | | | | | | | +........ | | | | | | | | | | | | |/......... +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+.......... // For Junde Huang // POJ 2300 // Written by Sinya in June, 2009. const pn='p2330'; sg:array[0..5,0..6]of char=(('+','-','-','-','+','.','.'),('|',' ',' ',' ','|','/','.'),('|',' ',' ',' ','|',' ','+'),('+','-','-','-','+',' ','|'),('.','/',' ',' ',' ','/','|'),('.','.','+','-','-','-','+')); var n,m,i,j,k,mr,mc,nr,nc,r,c:longint; a:array[0..50,0..50]of longint; g:array[0..1000,0..1000]of char; function max(const x,y:longint):longint;begin if x>y then exit(x);exit(y); end; procedure scan;begin readln(n,m); for i:=n-1 downto 0 do begin for j:=0 to m-1 do read(a[i,j]); readln; end; end; procedure draw;begin fillchar(g,sizeof(g),'.'); mr:=0;mc:=0; for i:=n-1 downto 0 do for j:=0 to m-1 do for k:=0 to a[i,j]-1 do begin nr:=i*2+k*3; nc:=i*2+j*4; mr:=max(mr,nr+5); mc:=max(mc,nc+6); for r:=0 to 5 do for c:=0 to 6 do if sg[r,c]<>'.' then g[nr+r,nc+c]:=sg[r,c]; end; end; procedure print;begin for i:=mr downto 0 do begin for j:=0 to mc do write(g[i,j]); writeln; end; end; begin assign(input,pn+'.in');reset(input); assign(output,pn+'.out');rewrite(output); scan; draw; print; close(input);close(output); end. Followed by:
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