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Posted by yogafrank at 2008-11-02 00:04:37 on Problem 3277 and last updated at 2008-11-02 21:41:58
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

const int SIZE = 40002;
int pos[SIZE * 2], n, tmp[SIZE * 2];

typedef struct node
	int s, e;
	int h;

	{ s = e = h = 0; }

Node points[SIZE];

class SegmentTree
	Node nodes[SIZE * 6];
	void buildtree( int, int, int );
	void update( int, int, int, int );
	__int64 getresult( int, int, int, int );

void SegmentTree::buildtree( int root, int s, int e )
	nodes[root].s = s;
	nodes[root].e = e;
	nodes[root].h = 0;

	if( e - s  > 1 )
		int mid = ( s + e ) / 2;
		buildtree( root * 2, s, mid );
		buildtree( root * 2 + 1, mid, e );

void SegmentTree::update( int root, int s, int e, int h )
	if( nodes[root].h > h )

	if( s <= nodes[root].s && nodes[root].e <= e )
		nodes[root].h = h;

	if( nodes[root].e - nodes[root].s == 1 )

	int mid = ( nodes[root].s + nodes[root].e ) / 2;
	if( s < mid )
		update( root * 2, s, e, h );
	if( mid < e )
		update( root * 2 + 1, s, e, h );

__int64 SegmentTree::getresult( int root, int s, int e, int maxv )
	if( maxv < nodes[root].h )
		maxv = nodes[root].h;

	if( nodes[root].e - nodes[root].s == 1 )
		return (__int64) maxv * ( pos[nodes[root].e] - pos[nodes[root].s] );

	__int64 r = 0;
	int mid = ( nodes[root].s + nodes[root].e ) / 2;
	if( mid <= s )
		r += getresult( root * 2 + 1, s, e, maxv );
	else if( mid >= e )
		r += getresult( root * 2, s, e, maxv );
		r += getresult( root * 2, s, mid, maxv );
		r += getresult( root * 2 + 1, mid, e, maxv );

	return r;

int find( int n, int v )
	int low = 1, high = n, mid;

	while( low < high )
		mid = ( low + high ) / 2;
		if( pos[mid] < v )
			low = mid + 1;
			high = mid;
	return high;

SegmentTree tree;

int main()
	int num = 1, i, count;
	scanf( "%d", &n );
	for( i = 1; i <= n; i++ )
		scanf( "%d%d%d", &points[i].s, &points[i].e, &points[i].h );
		tmp[num++] = points[i].s;
		tmp[num++] = points[i].e;

	sort( tmp + 1, tmp + 1 + num );
	pos[1] = tmp[1];
	for( i = count = 2; i <= num; i++ )
		if( tmp[i] != tmp[i - 1] )
			pos[count++] = tmp[i];

	tree.buildtree( 1, 1, count );
	for( i = 1; i <= n; i++ )
		int l = find( count, points[i].s );
		int r = find( count, points[i].e );
		tree.update( 1, l, r, points[i].h );

	printf( "%I64d\n", tree.getresult( 1, 1, count, 0 ) );

	return 0;

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