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交表要这样。。。不过是Pascal,将就吧In Reply To:求正解......我辛苦算出来的表居然wa了!~~~~ Posted by:palmtenor at 2005-03-06 22:33:32 program sf; var t,n:qword; k,count,i,j:longint; a:array[1..10,0..1000]of qword; tag:boolean; b:array[1..9]of qword; begin assign(input,'t2191.in'); reset(input); assign(output,'t2191.out'); rewrite(output); b[1]:=11; a[1,0]:=2; a[1,1]:=23; a[1,2]:=89; b[2]:=23; a[2,0]:=2; a[2,1]:=47; a[2,2]:=178481; b[3]:=29; a[3,0]:=3; a[3,1]:=233; a[3,2]:=1103; a[3,3]:=2089; b[4]:=37; a[4,0]:=2; a[4,1]:=223; a[4,2]:=616318177; b[5]:=41; a[5,0]:=2; a[5,1]:=13367; a[5,2]:=164511353; b[6]:=43; a[6,0]:=3; a[6,1]:=431; a[6,2]:=9719; a[6,3]:=2099863; b[7]:=47; a[7,0]:=3; a[7,1]:=2351; a[7,2]:=4513; a[7,3]:=13264529; b[8]:=53; a[8,0]:=3; a[8,1]:=6361; a[8,2]:=69431; a[8,3]:=20394401; b[9]:=59; a[9,0]:=2; a[9,1]:=179951; a[9,2]:=3203431780337; readln(k); for i:=1 to 9 do if b[i]<=k then begin n:=1; for j:=1 to b[i] do n:=n shl 1; dec(n); for j:=1 to a[i,0]-1 do write(a[i,j],' * '); write(a[i,a[i,0]]); write(' = '); write(n); write(' = '); writeln('( 2 ^ ',b[i],' ) - 1'); end else break; close(input); close(output); end. {count:=0; for k:=11 to 63 do begin n:=1; for i:=1 to k do n:=n*2; dec(n); tag:=true; for i:=2 to trunc(sqrt(k)) do if k mod i=0 then begin tag:=false; break; end; if not tag then continue; t:=n; fillchar(a,sizeof(a),0); for i:=2 to trunc(sqrt(n)) do begin if t mod i=0 then begin inc(a[0]); a[a[0]]:=i; t:=t div i; end; if t=0 then break; end; if (t>1) and (t<>n) then begin inc(a[0]); a[a[0]]:=t; end; if a[0]>0 then begin inc(count); writeln('b[',count,']:=',k,';'); write('a[',count,',0]:=',a[0],'; '); for i:=1 to a[0] do write('a[',count,',',i,']:=',a[i],'; '); writeln; end; end; } Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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