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哪里有数据来解救劳苦的代码呀?wa了半天,附代码。用了一下并查集 #include <cstdio> #include <string.h> using namespace std; int father[2250],count[2250]; int findfather(int a){return father[a]==-1?a:father[a]=findfather(father[a]);} void together(int a,int b){int i,j;if ((i=findfather(a))!=(j=findfather(b))){ if (i%15<j%15 || (i%15==j%15 && i/15>j/15)){father[j]=i;count[i]+=count[j];} else {father[i]=j;count[j]+=count[i];} }} char map[150][15]; int score,ball,H,pX,pY; int workout(int &id) { int i,j,maxid; memset(father,0xff,sizeof(father)); for (i=0;i<H*15;i++)count[i]=1; for (i=0;i<H;i++)for (j=0;j<15;j++)if (map[i][j]){ if (i>0 && map[i-1][j]==map[i][j])together(i*15+j,i*15+j-15); if (j>0 && map[i][j-1]==map[i][j])together(i*15+j,i*15+j-1); if (j+1<15 && map[i][j+1]==map[i][j])together(i*15+j,i*15+j+1); if (i+1<H && map[i+1][j]==map[i][j])together(i*15+j,i*15+j+15); } for (maxid=i=0;i<H*15;i++)if (father[i]==-1 && map[i/15][i%15]) if (count[i]>count[maxid] || (count[i]==count[maxid] && (i%15<maxid%15 || (i%15==maxid%15 && i/15>maxid/15))))maxid=i; if (count[maxid]<=1)return 0; ball-=count[maxid];score+=(count[maxid]-2)*(count[maxid]-2); pX=maxid/15;pY=maxid%15; printf("Move %d at (%d,%d): removed %d balls of color %c, got %d points.\n", id, H-pX,pY+1, count[maxid], map[pX][pY],(count[maxid]-2)*(count[maxid]-2)); return ++id; } int nextmap() { int i,k,l,p,q; char j; q=findfather(pX*15+pY); for (i=0;i<H*15;i++)if (findfather(i)==q)map[i/15][i%15]=0; for (i=0;i<15;i++)for (k=l=H-1;k>=0;k--) if (map[k][i]){ j=map[k][i];map[k][i]=map[l][i];map[l][i]=j; l--; } for (i=k=0;i<15;i++){ for (l=0;l<H && map[l][i]==0;l++); if (l!=H){ for (p=0;p<H;p++){ j=map[p][i];map[p][i]=map[p][k];map[p][k]=j; } k++; } } /*for (k=0;k<H;k++){for (l=0;l<15;l++) printf("%c",(map[k][l]==0?' ':map[k][l]));printf("\n"); }*/ return 0; } int main() { int TT,T,i,j; char chs[500]; scanf("%d",&T);TT=T; gets(chs); while (T--){ printf("Game %d:\n\n",TT-T); score=0;H=10; for (i=0;i<H;i++){gets(chs); for (j=0;j<15;j++)map[i][j]=chs[j]; } if (T)gets(chs); i=1; for (ball=H*15;workout(i);nextmap()); if (ball==0)score+=1000; printf("Final score: %d, with %d balls remaining.\n\n",score,ball); } getchar();getchar();getchar(); return 0; } Followed by:
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