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Language: Comfort
Description A game-board consists of N fields placed around a circle. Fields are successively numbered from1 to N clockwise. In some fields there may be obstacles.
Player starts on a field marked with number 1. His goal is to reach a given field marked with number Z. The only way of moving is a clockwise jump of length K. The only restriction is that the fields the player may jump to should not contain any obstacle. For example, if N = 13, K = 3 and Z = 9, the player can jump across the fields 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 3, 6 and 9, reaching his goal under condition that none of these fields is occupied by an obstacle. Your task is to write a program that finds the smallest possible number K. Input First line of the input consists of integers N, Z and M, 2 <= N <= 1000, 2 <= Z <= N, 0 <= M <= N - 2. N represents number of fields on the game-board and Z is a given goal-field.
Next line consists of M different integers that represent marks of fields having an obstacle. It is confirmed that fields marked 1 and Z do not contain an obstacle. Output Output a line contains the requested number K described above. Sample Input 9 7 2 2 3 Sample Output 3 Source |
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