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Language: Bound Found
Description Signals of most probably extra-terrestrial origin have been received and digitalized by The Aeronautic and Space Administration (that must be going through a defiant phase: "But I want to use feet, not meters!"). Each signal seems to come in two parts: a sequence of n integer values and a non-negative integer t. We'll not go into details, but researchers found out that a signal encodes two integer values. These can be found as the lower and upper bound of a subrange of the sequence whose absolute value of its sum is closest to t.
You are given the sequence of n integers and the non-negative target t. You are to find a non-empty range of the sequence (i.e. a continuous subsequence) and output its lower index l and its upper index u. The absolute value of the sum of the values of the sequence from the l-th to the u-th element (inclusive) must be at least as close to t as the absolute value of the sum of any other non-empty range. Input The input file contains several test cases. Each test case starts with two numbers n and k. Input is terminated by n=k=0. Otherwise, 1<=n<=100000 and there follow n integers with absolute values <=10000 which constitute the sequence. Then follow k queries for this sequence. Each query is a target t with 0<=t<=1000000000. Output For each query output 3 numbers on a line: some closest absolute sum and the lower and upper indices of some range where this absolute sum is achieved. Possible indices start with 1 and go up to n. Sample Input 5 1 -10 -5 0 5 10 3 10 2 -9 8 -7 6 -5 4 -3 2 -1 0 5 11 15 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 15 100 0 0 Sample Output 5 4 4 5 2 8 9 1 1 15 1 15 15 1 15 Source |
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